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Superman vs. Batman

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: Area of comparison: Everything. Just argue the heck out of which character you like more, which has a greater meaning, which is cooler, which is the crown jewel of DC, which you aspire more to be like, etc.

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And if John Williams had done it, it would have been two thirds of the reason why they're so loved.


However, I don't really know much about LotR, but I'm inclined to say Yoda anyway. I'll just skip this one.

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I'd say yoda. His weapons and the powers he uses that we've seen obviously trump Gandalf. Next time, try a coolness battle, that would be tougher.

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:kaukau: I will. And it will be against Gandalf again. Because I seriously want to see how these two compare on more than on level, because there are few worthier "vs" combinations than this.



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Power wise, Yoda will probably have an advantage, but knowing Gandalf, he's been secretly planning for this match for years and years, and had already set things in motion to give himself an advantage against the green muppet. :P


So yeah I'll vote Gandalf. Also, while John Williams makes excelent music, Howard Shore's work with LotR is still some of the best soundtracks out there, so it seems hard to replace. :P



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Yoda. Although I do like LotR with Gandalf, I would still have to go for Yoda. They are both wise, but I think Yoda could win in combat. It's been awhile since I've watched the movies, but I think Yoda does more fighting in his movies than I see Gandalf do in all of his.

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:kaukau: Well dang, it seems that this one is a tie vote at 3:3. Let's start this all over again, but with a different area of comparison...


Yoda vs. Gandalf


Area of Competition: Coolness



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That's a difficult one. With coolness as the main factor, I would say...Yoda still. Even though he is small, he does big things, which makes him cool to me.

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I'd have voted for Gandalf on the two previous match-ups, but Beethoven takes the cake for me on this one. Gandalf always needs to sympathize with the good guys, and there isn't much to sympathize with in Twilight (unless it's the viewers). I'd prefer he stick to helping out hobbits and dwarfs. Plus, an epic score makes anything better.

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