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I have been in constant pain for 72 hours.





Monday morning, on my way to school, some tool didn't understand the idea of "put all your trash cans on the same #%@&%$#!^ side of the @$$%&@#@#!%!$ sidewalk." This poses a problem for me, because I use the sidewalk to bike to the bus stop so that some H3 doesn't pancake me flat on the road.


Anyway, long story short is that I tried to avoid trash cans that were too close together, failed, and made out with the pavement, which scraped my knuckles, twisted my handlebars 15o off center, misaligned my right side brake pads, apparently punched myself in the thigh, and tore up my right knee.


Which has been in constant pain since then.





Yeah, it's been that kind of week.


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Ouchie :C


I've taken some serious injuries from falling off a bike before. Jape you recover swiftly.


How are the abrasions? Are they still open?


Also you'll definitely need to get that bike repaired but now I'm just nagging sorry.

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Distraction keeps the pain at bay, but when I blank it comes back.


Wound's scabbing over, still.


Bike's all fixed, though. Dad used to build bikes. Built mine from various other bikes. Pretty handy with an allen wrench.

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Distraction keeps the pain at bay, but when I blank it comes back.


Wound's scabbing over, still.


Bike's all fixed, though. Dad used to build bikes. Built mine from various other bikes. Pretty handy with an allen wrench.

Definitely keep that wound covered until it's healed. I've risked some nasty infections after bike crashes. Not fun. :c

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I wish I had hurt myself that way. I've got a crack in my arm from failing to jump over a chain last week.


So I feel your pain... Literally. Hope you get better soon too. :/

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