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Taka Nuvia


Does anyone else know those days, when you just kind of float through your everyday life, and it just all seems so unreal to you? As if the dream of last night were still goin on, and at the same time nothing like that.

I's quite scary.


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I usually start my days feeling that everything is pretty real, but then if I stay inside and the afternoon is warm and sunny, everything starts to seem a bit dreamlike. When it's because of the afternoon conditions, dreamlike days don't really bring a euphoric feeling like Proud Stigma describes (that requires different conditions), and I don't really enjoy warm sunny afternoons that much.

:P Everyone thinks it's weird, but hey, I get along better than most people on gray days...





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Yup yup. I occasionally forget my identity. But then it all comes rushing back to me and I put on a black cape, cover my head with a sock and patrol the city at night.


And that reassures me that I am totally sound of mind. ^^


(But seriously, I do get lost in thought and then for whatever reason I remind myself that I'm a human. That normally snaps me out of it for some reason. XD)

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