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IRL: Best MMO ever!



See the Comments section for the REAL discussion of what's going on, but here's my information up top. :)


"IRL is an incredible MMO."


Some people complain about lag, occasional poor visuals (a problem I have with the graphics myself, but in-game items helped), a corrupt currency system, etc... However, my Player Character is absolutely fabulous, thanks to the incredible multi-skill sets and infinite class combo systems.


I'm a warrior specializing in tactics and I've been able to ramp up on feats for sword, dual sword, knives, and spear, learning axes and exotic weapon skills, as well as gardening, sewing, writing, and home ec. Being a bard as a secondary class really helped since I got to learn music beyond simple singing and now have the "composer" specialty class unlocked, as well as "saxophonist."


What are you?



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I hate the lag. >.< Yeah, sometimes the quests aren't that good, but you've got to get into the right servers.


Great character backstory, though.

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I kinda wish it was easier to get speed stat ups, though; the walking speed can be so slow at times, even more so if a status effect has been afflicted on you. The other stats go well, though.

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I think it's weird how, to reach customer service, you have to kneel and fold your hands. Kinda wish there was just a phone number or an email. If there were one, I'd like to ask the developers to patch the inability to communicate with other players until you've leveled up enough: it's pretty inconvenient.

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I've also noticed when you kill something, it doesn't respawn. I killed a critter by accident that I was trying to catch and it hasn't come back. :/

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The game's monetary system leaves a little to be desired.


I mean, seriously. It's impossible to expect anything from it, depending on where you spawn/travel.

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I've also noticed when you kill something, it doesn't respawn. I killed a critter by accident that I was trying to catch and it hasn't come back. :/



Thought they fixed this already. :\

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My copy had really blurry visuals. When I asked some people about it, I was told I had to buy some peripheral to wear over my eyes. I've been using it for nearly a decade now, but it still seems like somewhat poor customer support.


Incidentally, I'm told there's a patch for this problem now, but it's very expensive and I have to get some experts to install it directly onto my hardware, which seems like a lot of effort when I'm so used to the older fix by now.


In general, user support for IRL can be extremely expensive, but on the other hand it's typically worth it to get the bugs fixed. For some the bugs make the experience less rich and engaging; at worst they make it near-unplayable. There are some free or low-cost alternatives but not everyone seems to trust them to get the job done.

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It's a bit of a crummy game when the minigames are way more entertaining than actually progressing my character's skills any further. Not to mention I made a mistake and put most of my character's points into swimming instead of self-confidence. How do I get them back?


Also when are the expansion packs coming out? I was promised robot arm upgrades for my character so I didn't have to bother raising their strength points myself. Yet there's nothing usable.

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It's a good game, but I really think they need to scale back the difficulty. Your food and energy meters run out way too quickly, and you have to do an absurd amount of grinding to be able to take on any high-level monsters.


Also, what's with the in-game govenment system? Pretty much all Warrior class players get weapons that are insanely overpowered. Seriously, so many people have hub-destroying weps these days. If's scary.

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My copy had really blurry visuals. When I asked some people about it, I was told I had to buy some peripheral to wear over my eyes. I've been using it for nearly a decade now, but it still seems like somewhat poor customer support.


I actually have just acquired this graphics problem. I've been told is a random system error to give a player an extra "Style" slot, but I'm not entirely hooked on the idea when the in-game items cost such a fortune. However, the overall programming software seems really well laid out. I mean, even with the randomized graphics errors, you can still access the game -- just in a more unique way.

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Oh, one other thing; the charisma stat must be broken, since trying to train it up sometimes simply increases the charisma stat of other players. That just doesn't seem right. 0_o And while we're trying to talk about the broken friend lists, I must say that it's the most confusing and complex friend system in any game I've ever played. 0_o Worse even than the Friend Codes in DS and Wii games.

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Hmm.. Perhaps you're not fully utilizing the friendship matrix? The server I'm on allows friending and the like, but only after completing a Respect quest, after which it's all easy from there... Sometimes I have to complete multiple quests. :/

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