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Garreg Mach

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Submit Possible Names!



So I've been thinking recently that every single name change I've done has been because I alone wanted it. I've accepted ideas from you guys in the past, but I don't think I've ever really followed through with any of them.


For this, I apologise. However, I almost happy to announce the first ever iBrow Name Changing Submission Awards Ceremonial Blog Contest for the Conquest and Victory of Changing iBrow's Display Name!


iNCSACBCCVCiDN for short.


So what I'm thinking is I'll give you guys two days to suggest possible display names in this entry - I encourage you to go both the tradition "ibrow modification" route and also to try going the "so wacky it's not even human!" route with these.


Then I take the best ones, and in two or three days I'll put those into a list in a seperate entry and you guys can vote for whichever name you want to see me use for the next 45 days or so.


You can begin whenever. :)


Recommended Comments

Let's see...

- iNCSACBCCVCiDN Winning Name

- inter-Blasting-rocket-opening-whammer

- iSee iBrow iGo

- lol wut?

- Derp.

- This is the best name I could think of

- iBrowser

- BioniBrow

- Pocket Mocket Loppet Sock-it

- Bing!


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