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RPGs and fics and plans, oh my



So now that this semester is finally drawing to a close, I'm actually starting to have free time again! It's crazy.


Anyway, in the interest of keeping this short and sweet, here's two things I plan to do with said free time:

  • I'm finally going to be able to sit down, finish hashing out this outline for my epic (total aside, but I've always thought 'epic' was a bit flowery a term for 'multi-chapter story', but whatevs), and get down to writing it this summer. It's a follow-up to The Shadow and the Sea in that it takes place afterwards and follows Alternate!Teridax and a certain other character, but other than that 'starting point' it's not a direct sequel.
  • It's looking more and more likely that I'm going to give the BZRPG a shot this summer as well. So! BZRPG people: what advice can you give to a fledgling newbie? (I've already read through the FAQs, backstory for the year, and Friar Tuck's Common Sense guide, of course, and I've got a rough character drawn up.) Most likely, I'd be starting sometime next week, since I'll be without internet this weekend.

And in other news, lots of Ace Attorney 5 goodness happening. English release! Japanese demo! Edgeworth! This is all very exciting if, like me, the lives of fictional lawyers keep you entranced.


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A common tip I've heard is to hang out with an experienced player or a vet until you can get the hang of the game and get used to the norm. Glad you're joining the RPG; Now is the perfect time.

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Bulik gave you my nugget of wisdom already. But to add on, don't be afraid to interact with people and try new things. It's a creative game after all.


And of course, if you need any help when you get started, hit me up. Not like I'm not game staff, anyway. : P

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But to add on, don't be afraid to interact with people and try new things. It's a creative game after all.

EW hit the nail on the head. The experiment of RPing is an eternal enterprise (agonizing alliteration intended). Always look for opportunities and ways to improve. There are many paths to success. Seek, and ye shall find, good sir.

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Some advice is to Pay attention to whats going on near your character, or characters who get mentioned in GD alot. The guys who appear in GD alot tend to be important and/or very well writen.

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Fictional lawyers are the best characters. Unless their special talent is luck. But let's be honest, how silly would a lucky protagonist actually be in a game about murder mystery?


It sounds just about as silly as going to bed with your hoodie on when you have a fever and then complaining that it's too hot. Can you imagine how silly that silliness would be?


(I'm at the point where I am rambling, and so I bid thee goodnight good sir of goodliness).

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