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Garreg Mach

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Sometimes I wish I was left handed



Pretty much what the title says

Even more than that though I would like to be fully ambidextrous


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I already get pen ink/graphite/marker ink/paint/you name it all over both my hands whenever I write or draw or anything else, so... not a downside to me =P

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I don't want to be a lefty but I'd like to be able to use my left hand more. If I lost my right one I'd be in a lot of trouble, because I can hardly do anything with my left.

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Any particular reason as to why you think being left-handed would be better? (What are those times you wish to be left handed?)

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:shrugs: It's not as fun as it sounds. I can never tell my right from my left, sometimes I shake hands the wrong direction, and I can't write in binders.


Also school spiral notebooks. Red marks, so many red marks...

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being left-handed isn't really all that great in comparison


i mean sure you are slightly more unique than many other people but you get ink/graphite all over your hand and probably can't use scissors and various other normal everyday devices that are designed for right-handed people (although that's becoming less of a problem thankfully)


why do you want to be left-handed anyway?

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Also school spiral notebooks. Red marks, so many red marks...

Gosh I hated writing in those.


Don't believe what all those nay-sayers are nay saying. Being a lefty rocks, and makes you that much more important than anybody else, like righties.


Or, y'know, they'll burn you at the stake for being possessed or something 'cause you don't have the same primary hand that they have. It can honestly go either way.



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probably can't use scissors and various other normal everyday devices that are designed for right-handed people


I've actually found that, if you're not ambidextrous, being left-handed is the next best thing. Because it is a "right-handed world," I think left-handers tend to be better with their un-dominant hand, from having to use it more often with right-handed tools. Though I don't have actual proof.

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probably can't use scissors and various other normal everyday devices that are designed for right-handed people


I've actually found that, if you're not ambidextrous, being left-handed is the next best thing. Because it is a "right-handed world," I think left-handers tend to be better with their un-dominant hand, from having to use it more often with right-handed tools. Though I don't have actual proof.


I can verify that I use scissors and computer mouse right-handed. (Not that I use computer mice anymore since I'm on a laptop touchpad, which I use two-handed.)


The biggest problem for me was wrenches. On bike wheels. Still have trouble with that.


Also school spiral notebooks. Red marks, so many red marks...

Gosh I hated writing in those.

This IMO is why clipboards were invented.

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Why on earth would you want to be left-handed?


School desks are built for righties. We smear everything we write, and get ink all over our hands. We can't write comfortably in spiral binders or notebooks. Most tools are designed for righties. Left-handed sports equipment is more expensive. Left-handed musical instruments are harder to find.


It's true that being left-handed has forced me to use both my dominant and non-dominant hands, but that's simply a survival skill. Using a mouse with my right hand doesn't make me ambidextrous: it just means I've been forced to use something in an unnatural way, and eventually become accustomed to it.


It's a righties' world, really; wishing you were left-handed is kind of like winning the lottery and then trying to give the ticket back. It's only "cool" because of its rarity.

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Hey, don't lefties have a shorter life span than righties?


I love being a righty. Being ambidextrous would be cool, though (and useful)

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