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Need Some BrickFair Advice...

Avohkah Tamer


I've got something I hate to admit, but I'm at my wit's end and need help, so here goes...


I will be at BrickFair VA this year, as several of you already probably know/assumed, and I've already got travel and hotel arrangements taken care of, but there's one thing that I haven't done yet.


I, uh... I haven't actually registered for the con yet.


YES I KNOW, I need to register/pay by the 14th, and I will, but I've been stuck on one minor detail: deciding what to put on my Brickbadge bricks.


For the past couple years, I put my real name on one brick, and my username on another. This was dumb, because now I have two completely identical badges aside from the year number. This time around, I want to put custom text (not my name) on both bricks.


Since I've been drawing a blank for the past month straight, anyone have any brick text suggestions? (max. 24 chars/brick)


I'd be eternally grateful for any help. :C


Update: Thanks for all the suggestions so far! I've got one brick figured out, but I'm thinking I want a Bionicle-specific reference on my other one. I could do something like "UNITY ▪ DUTY ▪ DESTINY", but that seems like it might be too simple/obvious. Anyone have any better ideas (Or think I should go with UDD)?


Update 2: Bricks chosen and registration complete! Thanks, everyone!


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Try restarting it.

As in "Have you tried turning it off and on again?"


I can dig it, but I wouldn't really want to use that unless I could use the long form (which doesn't fit). Thanks, though, good suggestion.

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I dunno, maybe some of your sites or social networks? I think I put my deviantART page (skybard.deviantart.com)on one of my bricks this year. Of course if you use the same username on all sites that might not be so useful.


Alternatively, you could pick a short quote you like. Maybe "Friendship is Magic"?

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Try restarting it.

As in "Have you tried turning it off and on again?"


I can dig it, but I wouldn't really want to use that unless I could use the long form (which doesn't fit). Thanks, though, good suggestion.




[Have you tried turning]

[ it off then on again? ]


Granted it would take both bricks, but it's an idea.

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I dunno, maybe some of your sites or social networks? I think I put my deviantART page (skybard.deviantart.com)on one of my bricks this year. Of course if you use the same username on all sites that might not be so useful.


Alternatively, you could pick a short quote you like. Maybe "Friendship is Magic"?


Thanks, unfortunately the only social network I use regularly is Twitter, where I'm just @AvohkahTamer anyways, so that one probably won't work.


I do have "Friendship is Magic" (or similar general pony reference) as one of my fallback plans, but I'm hoping for a more specific/original reference if at all possible.


[Have you tried turning]

[ it off then on again? ]


Granted it would take both bricks, but it's an idea.


I hadn't thought of that, good idea. I'm hoping for one that doesn't use both bricks, but that's definitely a potential choice there.

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Try restarting it.

As in "Have you tried turning it off and on again?"


I can dig it, but I wouldn't really want to use that unless I could use the long form (which doesn't fit). Thanks, though, good suggestion.




[Have you tried turning]

[ it off then on again? ]


Granted it would take both bricks, but it's an idea.


I didn't even realize your initial post was a suggestion! I thought you were just trolling with generic tech-support advice for AT's non-tech-support problem. :P
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"BIONICLE... 2015???"

That will look silly in a few years whether BIONICLE does or doesn't come back.
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"Is Everything Awesome?"


"Honey, Where's My Mask?"


"I'm A Huge Bionicle Fan"


"But I Like Hero Factory"


Jokiness aside, I feel you pain having to come up with something new and decent each convention. I always feel I have cool ideas, but then forget them when I go to register. :(


"Old Gray Bionicle Monorail"



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I don't think I've even done anything unique with my custom bricks since I started getting repeats. I really should, but I can never come up with anything. Maybe next year I'll follow your lead and ask the fine folks of BZPower for advice.

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If your av is anything to go by, getting something MLP-related would be a good idea. Like a character quote or like "ponies forever" or something [/knows nothing about MLP]


"Old Gray Bionicle Monorail"


It's Old Gray 9V Bionicle Monorail. With GEARS. :P

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"Matoro is dead"  and "so is Botar"


If I ever had the wonderous power to engrave bricks, I would probably go for that because I still find it hilarious (am I a bad person?  Ah well)


I wonder if you've considered alterations of popular internet phrases, like "MOCists gonna MOC" or "Build with it" to fit a LEGO theme?  Maybe that's just totally lame, though, I dunno.


"Unikitty Approves" or "Emmet before he was cool" or "Wyldstyle the DJ" or "Ghost Virtruvius was here" or "DARKNESS ... NO PARENTS" or "Cloud Cuckoolander" or "Master Builder" would be fun for a LEGO movie theme?


Then again, I guess it depends on how you normally do your bricks.  Best of luck, though.

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Ah, right, BIONICLE ones...


"Kumo Rocks"


"Hewkii/Macku - I ship it"


"Killed by Giant Rock"


"Teridax FAILED"


"Martha Nui"


"Onewa - I ship it"


"Jaller/Hahli OTP"


"Quest for the Bricks"


"I am nothing"


"This is my other mask"


"My heartlight skipped a beat"  (Wait, do spaces count as characters?)


"Left my heart in Ga-Koro"


"Piraka life chose me"


"Everything is Kumo"


"Everything is Lewa"


"Everything is killed by giant rocks"  (I wish this one fit)


"Golden Kanohi: aww yeah"


"Not a cinnamon cookie"  (not really BIONICLE related, my brother just thought I was eating a cinnamon cookie, but it was actually rye bread with a bit of balsamic vinegar).


"Three Virtues Stuff"


"I betrayed my toa team and all I got was a lousy rock" (again, I wish it fit)


"Beware the swarm"


That's all I've got for now.

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Just picked my bricks and finished registration!


Thanks for all the help, everyone. Although I didn't end up picking any of the above suggestions, it really honestly helped in coming up with a general idea of what I wanted.


I'll post a picture once I've got my badge at the con!

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