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Ask Brickeens



Seeing as these entries are a thing again, I might as well do it like I did back in 2010. So, ask me questions, and I'll hit you with a tennis racket.

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How much protodermis could a protodermischuck chuck if a protodermischuck could chuck protodermis?

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Does anyone know what's with the quoting in the blogs? I tried at least five times to reply to the comments this morning, but each time it kept deleting like half the quotes when I posted. I was ready to throw my computer out the window. Here's hoping copy and pasting works.




Did you know that I like it when you hit me with a tennis racket?

As long as Nukaya is okay with this.




What if I don't want to be hit with a tennis racket?

In commenting on this entry, you agree to the terms and conditions, which are that I hit you with a tennis racket.




are you actually punching us, but your arms are actually tennis rackets

Sadly, my arms are not tennis racket extentions.




Bro, do you even tennis?

Yes, but instead of tennis balls, I hit people instead.




How much protodermis could a protodermischuck chuck if a protodermischuck could chuck protodermis?

*hits you with a tennis racket*




where ya been bricks





can I watch you hit pat with a tennis racket

This adds a whole new layer to things.




how many tennis rackets are there





Do you play tennis?

*hits you with a tennis racket*


Yes, with you.








Have you seen a 2x2 lego brick named Samantha?

No, but if I do, I'll be sure to hit Samantha with a tennis racket.

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*hits you apologetically with a tennis racket*


I have no idea how I missed that, sorry.


I'm currently working on the new Android OS Bean Core 1.0, which will feature the most bean core aesthetics possible. Stay tuned.

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