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You're good! I envy them hair skillz. My hair is terrible. So are my faces.....I'm...not good at portraits....


Really though, nice work!

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Yup, that's her glare face.


It's quite nice, especially the texture on the hair. The eyes seem a little mis-aligned, though. I envy your skills, for sure!


(I also envy your ability to turn complaining into productivity!)

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You've got quite the grasp for volume, shape and form which is apparent in the hair (which is awesome). Even though I haven't watched that much of Once, just a few episodes, I still recognise the character, you totally captured one of her typical expressions.


Her left eye (seen on the right) is abit too slanted, creating the impression of slightly mis-aligned eyes, but since the inner corners of the eyes actually line up well, it's really just the left eye as far as I can see.


You're definitely improving (and better at drawing real-life people than I am!), so keep it up!  :3

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Fun story about her left eye; I originally put it too far left so she looked a bit like a mutant at first. I then erased it completely and redid it. I guess I still need to work on eye position. =P


Also, thanks everyone! This is literally the most feedback I've ever gotten on a drawing here before.

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