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Laughing Man


so I guess our definition of "controversy" now is "a lot of people talked about a thing"??


I've gotta say, the whole grammar thing is by far the least controversial controversy in the history of BZPower. it felt more like a BZPower fad than it did a controversy, just a bunch of people posting blog entries on the same subject while other people commented on them. unless I missed, like, an entire entry where some kind of fight broke out, all the comments and entries I saw were completely rational.


setting the bar for BZP drama pretty low there, guys. I feel like this entry is gonna end up more controversial than the "controversy" that inspired it.

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I guess as far as I can tell, it's because most of the entries and comments were seemingly written with a tone as though they were part of an argument (or perhaps expecting one), even though pretty much everyone seems to mostly agree already?


I'm pretty sure the only actual difference in opinion (if you can even call it that) is how and when it might be appropriate to call someone out on poor grammar, i.e. in a serious or professional context.

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I guess maybe I'm just overreacting because it seems like things have become much more abrasive here over the past year or two, and there always feels like there's an "us vs. them" attitude in these discussions, not an attempt at mutual dialog. The tone can kind of give the impression of a fight sometimes too, like Avohkah said.

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I thought the entire thing was more of a big conversation than a controversy. I certainly came to realize new things and understand the world a little more complexly.

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I guess maybe I'm just overreacting because it seems like things have become much more abrasive here over the past year or two, and there always feels like there's an "us vs. them" attitude in these discussions, not an attempt at mutual dialog. The tone can kind of give the impression of a fight sometimes too, like Avohkah said.

I'm just hoping that NEW BIONICE means that all this "abrasive" stuff will get crowded out. :P

Takuma Nuva

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I guess as far as I can tell, it's because most of the entries and comments were seemingly written with a tone as though they were part of an argument (or perhaps expecting one), even though pretty much everyone seems to mostly agree already?


I'm pretty sure the only actual difference in opinion (if you can even call it that) is how and when it might be appropriate to call someone out on poor grammar, i.e. in a serious or professional context.

Yeah, it was the tone thing. They all seemed to be defensive or in retaliation to something.


And it's just an unfortunate side effect of past events to jump to "oh great, something happened" when a lot of similar entries pop up.


Sorry, I guess?

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