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Garreg Mach

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why does this always happen (aka merry christmas)



Every single year I ask my parents for a single movie

Every single year they get that movie... for my brother.


Parents, Imma kick you into next week. TBH, all of the fun presents I got this year were from my brothers and you guys :P (with the exception of a Tardis mug, which I'm not entirely certain what to make of)


Anyway I'll probably bump this entry later with my loot. Which this year includes a box of screwdrivers, because reasons.


2014 Loot:

-Hammerwatch (PC) - bzp

-The Stanley Parable (PC) - bzp

-GCN Controller Adapter - bzp

-Transparent Tahu Mask - bzp

-A broken coffee mug I won in a Christmas present "Grinch" game - work

-Allen/hex key - work

-A 40 piece screwdriver and bits set - work

-Video Games Guinness Records 2015

-"Walking Home" by Eric Walters

-End of the Line Crate Keys x2 (PC) - bzp

-TARDIS Coffee Mug

-$50 in cash

-An Old Spice kit (which arrived just in time, hurrah)

-Minecraft Stone Pickaxe keychain


-Various packets of different hot chocolates

-a chocolate "D"

-Pajamas, because I totally needed more of those instead of socks

-Link Amiibo

-Pikachu Amiibo

-Peach Amiibo

-Sony releasing The Interview after all, and it was rather good - sony

-Super Meat Boy (PC) - whoever bought my TF2 Tour of Duty ticket on the market


So, yeah. As far as gifts from family... this year kinda stinks (specifically with regards to my parents; the $50 is from grandparents and the amiibo figures are from my brothers). My parents appear to have gone out of their way to try and make me disappointed this year, which is disappointing in and of itself. I know that pessimism and other rather lackluster traits have basically consumed them, but I mean come on.


I'm honestly curious to know what I'll be like once I move out and get away from them. Perhaps my optimism can finally flourish... or be crushed under the stresses of adulthood :P




I'd say that this Christmas was pretty good, despite my parents, with whom I have remained thoroughly unsatisfied for years. I got some wicked cool gifts, I got some completely out of the blue gifts (seriously why am I the person you're giving the tools to build stuff with), and I got a cool coffee mug that can join my Darth Duck mug. All in all, pretty awesome. There's also the possibility that this might not be it (however slim), since I will be visiting with all sorts of family next week. So - we shall see!


Anyway, that's all for now. I hope you all have a very merry Christmas. :)

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Hey! Screwdrivers are a necessity!

I must agree. A couple years ago, I bought myself a very fine set of screwdrivers. 


It was one of the best purchases I've ever made. 

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Gets a doctor who theme gift.


Complains about screwdrivers.


Also, does your mug have the TARDIS disappear on one side and reappear on the other side when it gets warm? 'Cause I think we got the same mug.

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Gets a doctor who theme gift.


Complains about screwdrivers.


Also, does your mug have the TARDIS disappear on one side and reappear on the other side when it gets warm? 'Cause I think we got the same mug.


Well, you know, screwdrivers. They're a nuisance. 

Also, I doubt it. My mug is molded in the shape of the TARDIS. =P

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