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Your opinion, BZPower?



Kopaka, Onua, Gali, or Lewa?


By this I'm referring to the G2 sets.


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Tie between Gali and Lewa, then Kopaka. Onua could be anywhere on there (from ahead of Gali to after Kopaka), but not having him myself yet I don't feel prepared to judge him objectively.

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I'd go for Kopaka first of all. Out of all the ones you listed, I only have Gali right now. She looks outstanding but I guess I just expected more since I feel a little disappointed with her capabilities. Lewa was one of my must-buys but has dropped down in my estimations the more I think about his want of decent neck articulation, and the awkward way in which he holds his axes. Onua is pretty high up as well, but I'm put off by his mishmash of a colour scheme. The combination of gold and silver just doesn't gel well.


I guess overall I'd say Kopaka>Onua>Gali>Lewa.

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Kopaka or Gali. Lewa is great but I wouldn't recommend him for your first set, and Onua is not so fun to play around with in my opinion.

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Interesting responses: Kopaka and Gali are neck and neck, with Gali at 2 and Lewa at the last place.


I excluded Tahu and Pohatu because I'd figured that Tahu would get the most votes otherwise, and Pohatu would already get the least votes. At least I thought they were the most/least popular Toa. 


It would seem that people like Kopaka and Gali, accept Onua, and are just 'meh' with Lewa. I'm guessing it's cause of his neck growths (also his mask looks nothing like the Miru unlike the other Toa, whose masks resemble their original masks at least slightly).


Hmm.. gong to conclude that: KOPAKA === GALI ===> ONUA ===> LEWA.


I am guessing this is partly because Onua's gear function includes ball joints making them a bit harder to turn than with the other Toa? Not to mention the huge chest which is really going to bother some people.


EDIT: Well, Gali just beat Kopaka.


GALI ===> KOPAKA ===> ONUA ===> LEWA 

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