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the truth is out there

believe victims


  • their theme colors look nice together
  • they're the only main Elves to appear in a first wave set together without Emily Jones
  • their personalities mesh well together (daydreamer+inventor)

it's time to see the light




it's gotta be canon

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Otherwise I could totes see this. :P



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Sure, I'm cool with that. Not that there's a lot of evidence for such a relationship... but conversely, there's really no evidence AGAINST it either. And seeing as Lego's probably not going to actually canonize a same-sex relationship in one of their in-house stories in the near future (much as I'd like them to), that's probably as good as we're gonna get.

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Okay, guys, not for nothing, but do we have to be okay with ships in general? I mean, LEGO is all about breaking down what is established by other people and creating a personal, unique creation to allow individuality to flourish. If someone likes a ship, then why do we need to justify it? Why does anyone need to be okay with it?


I know it sounds like I'm just being all miffed about this, but beyond that I'm legitimately asking. Seriously, there's no need to walk over eggshells for this kind of stuff or any need to justify any of it, imo.


Heck, it's what LEGO is all about. So, why are we saying "I'm okay with that" instead of "OMG, I totally agree! That's my OTP!" or "Hmm, I could probably see why you'd like it, but I don't ship it."

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"I'm ok with this" was just a way of saying I am also totally in support of it. I was just. Being nonchalant. Nodding sagely in a corner, not letting true emotion shine through. Cause emotions be scary. But...yeah. 

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"I'm ok with this" was just a way of saying I am also totally in support of it. I was just. Being nonchalant. Nodding sagely in a corner, not letting true emotion shine through. Cause emotions be scary. But...yeah.

Same here. I like the idea of the ship! But I'm not about to proclaim it my OTP, because we've hardly even MET these characters—I'm not ready to jump on board the S.S. Naidaira when for all I know Azari might have better chemistry with one of them.


Plus Farran/Emily already occupies that spot for me. So there's that. :P

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Ah, I see. Haha, sorry, I totally read that in a different tone.


Guess the talk of "no evidence to support or deny" pushed a few buttons. Thanks for the answers, though.

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In retrospect I'm disappointed that my first comment here wasn't expressing disappointment that the op didn't make any puns regarding the fact that these two literally come prepackaged in a ship.

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I'm sorry, but I cannot in good conscience support this.


This is disgusting.


This is morally and fundamentally offensive.


All of you should be ashamed of yourselves.


Haven't you even listened to the song?  "Earth moves the air, and the wind feeds the fire".  It's clearly either Farran/Aira or Aira/Azari or both.


And I shan't be convinced otherwise.

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Why does everything have to have a sensualized connotation? Geez, they are waaay too young for that stuff. 


They're friends. Golly gee whiszikers, can't anyone be nice to someone without people throwing in the hormone excuse? Can't we have genuine friendship and real love in a story already?


And when we do, why does everyone have to insert romance where it clearly doesn't belong?


arggh this gets on my nerves like you wouldn't believe. 

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Why does everything have to have a sensualized connotation? Geez, they are waaay too young for that stuff. 


And yet if I was saying Farran and Emily were meant for each other, you wouldn't have bothered commenting, I bet. If so, please explain why a lesbian relationship is inherently sensual but a heterosexual relationship can be solely romantic.


They're friends. Golly gee whiszikers, can't anyone be nice to someone without people throwing in the hormone excuse? Can't we have genuine friendship and real love in a story already?


Who said anything about hormones, and who said they don't have real love? You're inferring an awful lot from my entry that isn't there. Unless you're saying somehow romantic love isn't real love, which is completely ridiculous.


Also note that there are three other protagonists who I have not said are in romantic relationships with each other, and all five of them are assumedly still friends. I see no erasure of friendship here; it is indeed a very important thing.



And when we do, why does everyone have to insert romance where it clearly doesn't belong?


Why doesn't it belong here? Who arbitrarily decided none of the Elves can ever have romantic feelings for one another? What's so destructive about acknowledging that romantic love is a thing that exists?


I'm sorry, but I'm having a ridiculously hard time understanding your thoughts here.

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I'm sorry, but I'm having a ridiculously hard time understanding your thoughts here.

it's a joke

i think.



I'm not really seeing anything in the post that makes me think it's a joke? unless it's a reference to some sort of well-known thing in another fandom that I'm missing.

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I'm not really seeing anything in the post that makes me think it's a joke? unless it's a reference to some sort of well-known thing in another fandom that I'm missing.

maybe it's all sarcasm? the picture of the ship to me indicates as such possibly.

i'm bad at internetenese so it could be completely srs biznis.

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Gonna pop back in for a quick second. Fishers64 never said she had a problem with this being a lesbian ship. That was entirely inferred by you, and that is not something you can just accuse someone of without evidence. Branding someone a bigot is a hefty claim, and it seriously should not be done casually.


If I were to wager a guess, her issue seems more with a hyper-romantic characteristic of society. And if that is what she was getting at, then I honestly don't disagree.


Romance is everywhere, and society does put a lot of pressure on people to form romantic relationships. It's why singles consider Valentines Day to be something to dread. Honestly, I think there is this troublesome trope in storytelling and media that implies people cannot be happy unless they are in a romantic relationship.


That said, I can't say I support naysaying people just having fun with a ship. People do like romance for a reason, and there is an appeal to it. Especially for LGBT+ couples that have very poor representation in storytelling where by contrast heterosexual relationships run rampant.


Also, having LEGO minifigs simply holding hands isn't something I'd consider sensual. Children are perfectly capable of forming crushes that are not sensual.

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And yet if I was saying Farran and Emily were meant for each other, you wouldn't have bothered commenting, I bet.

Nope, I would have commented just the same. In fact, in some respects that might almost be worse in this context. The connotations of that are terrible.


Unless you're saying somehow romantic love isn't real love, which is completely ridiculous.


And when we do, why does everyone have to insert romance where it clearly doesn't belong?


Why doesn't it belong here? 


It's a children's toyline. Also what Tekulo said about our over-romanticized culture.

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Unless you're saying somehow romantic love isn't real love, which is completely ridiculous.


And when we do, why does everyone have to insert romance where it clearly doesn't belong?


Why doesn't it belong here? 


It's a children's toyline. Also what Tekulo said about our over-romanticized culture.



And children have no idea what romantic love is. It's this terrible corrupting force, right? When two characters kiss, a children's story is ruined. When I was a kid and I saw a wedding in fiction, I felt my soul die on the spot. Simply terrible.


And you know what's even worse? Underrepresented romantic orientations daring to try and see that aspect of themselves in a fictional work. Simply unconscionable. Sure, it might not actually affect other people in any significant way, but it's the principle of it. Forcing all that gotdang fakey "love" stuff in a way that matters to them. What a complete disgrace.


edit: i should clarify that second part isn't accusing fishers of anything so much as explaining where my mindset is coming from

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I don't know anything about the story, but that sounds cute and I can totally see it c:


And when it comes to depictions of romance and stuff in media, like there's a lot of it in general yeah, but it's not going to ruin someone's childhood lol

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This conversation is a sticky one to get into (especially because, as we've already seen, people imply a lot more than what's actually said)... However, I do have to add that I, too, get annoyed sometimes by ships because they mess with the should-be-equivalent value of friendships. Hetero- or homo-romantic doesn't matter, it's the same point. That's why Miyazaki has so many male-female friendships in his stories that stay "just" friends, because people jump too quickly to "NOW KISS" when friendship is already such a beautiful thing. It's why I enjoy anime like Soul Eater, because regardless of all the 'romantic implications' people can infer, the fact is that these people and their fighting partners have a bond that doesn't need romance to be powerful and admirable.


It's not that fictional romance is wrong. It's not even that it's overdone. It's the fact that people tend to overwrite friendships WITH romance, when they really need to cool their jets and realize that what they already had was a fantastic, admirable relationship.

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