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Garreg Mach

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A bit of what I'm working on




The Protector of Ice slowly sank into his chair; it squeaked under his weight as he settled into it with a satisfied sigh, the tension washing out of his limbs. His mouth opened wide in a yawn as he leaned back, crossing his legs as he propped his feet upon the wooden desk in front of him. He rubbed at his eyes with one hand, adjusting his mask with the other. Having made himself comfortable, the Protector rested his head upon his hands as he leaned back further, surveying the chart along the wall to his right with a feeling of apprehension.


The chart was a hit list, containing pictures of several different beings. All of them were very similar to the Protectors, although they were different enough for it to be noticeable. Every picture had the figure’s name labelled on the bottom; most of the targets had been crossed through with bright red paint, signifying their demise.

Fifty years of work and we still are not quite finished, the Protector thought to himself idly. But soon... they shall all be destroyed.




It is coming.


Fifty years ago, the six Toa of legend descended upon Okoto, their victory over the forces of the Skull Army assured by the prophecies.


Tahu, Master of Fire.

Lewa, Master of Jungle.

Gali, Master of Water.

Kopaka, Master of Ice.

Pohatu, Master of Stone.

Onua, Master of Earth.


Together, united as one, they descended into the ancient city to awaken Ekimu... and they were never seen again. With the Toa gone, the Skull Army struck in force, their numbers growing astronomically day by day.


Until a new group of heroes descended from the sky, wiping out the forces of darkness with a furious vengeance. The island of Okoto was saved... or had it merely been preserved? These new so-called "heroes" betrayed those that they had so recently sworn to protect, believing that they would prove an easy target. They thought wrong.


The Protectors, outnumbering them by far, struck back to defend their island home. The surviving traitors scattered into hiding all over the island, and they have been hunted ever since. The Protectors, led by the Council of Okoto, and overseen by the newly benevolent and redeemed mask maker Makuta, are bent on a path of ruthless extermination. Unforgiving of the various crimes to which the traitors are guilty, the Hunters slay them on sight without remorse.


There are no prisoners for the Protectors - for the Hunters. Only trophies.


But something is stirring, deep within the dark.


And as the forces of the Skull Army begin to rise once more, some Protectors cannot help but wonder if the most dangerous threat is themselves.


Decimation arrives on April 22nd.

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