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Cool Shocking Non-Cliché Endings To Stories

believe victims


  • the protags die in chapter one. villain wins and gloats for the rest of the book
  • everything explodes for no reason
  • in the last chapter it suddenly switches to the end of a completely different story without resolving the previous one

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or maybe....the protags were already dead all along...?


isnt that the plot of The Sixth Sense though


drats, i thought i had come up with an original shocking and non cliche ending of my own. this is hard!

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Everyone goes for a nap cause the adventure is really exhausting and they totally oversleep

That's the ending to a bunch of fantasy series stories. Along with overeating. 

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I was going to make a joke about Michael Bay using the second one, but then I got distracted because you used the accent mark in "cliché" and I was so happy I stopped

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I was going to make a joke about Michael Bay using the second one, but then I got distracted because you used the accent mark in "cliché" and I was so happy I stopped


i set my computer to international keyboard for D&D (it was all fun and games naming my character Hjördís until I had to type it myself) so I figured I no longer have any excuse not to.

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One more: the final book in a four book series ends with the protagonist being transported back in time to the beginning of the first book, thus ensuring the narrative never concludes, but rather circles around endlessly.

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The original idea is (sort of) kind of a cool idea, imo, even though you were just joking. Like, Scream pulled it off, giving Drew Barrymore top billing and having her murdered right from the start. Sort of poking fun at the "big name actress final girl" idea.


Anyway I'd like to see something like this--a story where all synopses and such hint that it's a story about the hero, but it's actually about the villain after they overcome the villain in the first half.


Alternatively -- a damsel in distress whose superhero boyfriend dies early on and she inherits his powers? But all the publicity just shows the costumed hero or something.


Something like that. Bait and switch the viewers. If not necessarily the gimmick with the most integrity, it'd be kind of cool to trick an audience like that.

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