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You know what I really dislike about glasses?

Taka Nuvia


You have to clean them. All. The. Time. Every other day, almost.

Or you wait for weeks until they are so covered in dust that your vision is somewhat obstructed, then marvel at the freshly cleaned vision, then forget again. Either way, it's far from perfect. :3

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So much truth to this.


I also scratched my glasses with my car keys within a few months of getting them. So now there's an eternal line in my vision.

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It's become a morning ritual for me to clean my glasses.  Buying a cheap Costco pack of eyeglass cleaner helps too.



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Hear hear hear. ;-;


The problem isn't cleaning for me, it's the fact that it's so necessary, but so tedious, and even then might not be perfect. =P

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I know exactly what you mean.


And then there's the times where you intend to clean them, but forget them, so you go out and have your vision slightly obscured without realising it, then noticing the dirt and thinking about how you need to clean them. 

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Story of my life. The worst thing is cleaning them, missing a spot, then putting them back on and it's all clear except for this one part is all awful and it's somehow even worse than when they were all dirty. Ahhh.

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And that's why I got laser eye surgery.


Disclaimer: they don't tell you this, but you can't actually shoot lasers from your eyes after the surgery.

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I never clean mine, so by the time someone points it out I've lost like 25% of my vision.


Of course, then I try a basic cleaning and it smudges so I'm even more blind.



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I saw the entry title and was just like "This'll be about how easily smudged they are."


All glasses-wearers are inextricably linked by this common struggle. I am sending you conciliatory vibes through the psychic connection the naked-eyed outsiders know nothing of.


*Snaps fingers*

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Honestly, that has never bothered me.


I just clean them when they get gross




Although, I do also get these super nifty premoistened wipes that I can carry around just about everywhere and they are kinda my favorite thing ever?


So that may or may not be a part of it, idk

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I consider myself among the two-eyed tribe. I hear that it is inferior to the four-eyed tribe in just about every way.

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So much truth to this.


I also scratched my glasses with my car keys within a few months of getting them. So now there's an eternal line in my vision.

Mine are scratched right in the center of the lens so my vision has a big blur right in the middle.


Seriously thought glasses suck.

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But I like my glasses... ;.;


I like my glasses, too - it's just the keeping-them-clean part which annoys me from time to time. ^^

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