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Tuning out of a story at the very end



This should be a criminal offense...maybe then I'd stop doing it.


Still haven't finished Death Note. I was really into that show, made it to the second-to-last episode, really wanted to see how it ended - then three years passed and I still haven't finished it.


Star Trek: The Next Generation. Freaking loved the show, watched all seven seasons, but still haven't watched the last episode. Been putting that off for months.


Now I'm re-reading Harry Potter, and I'm at the very end of the fourth book (like, four chapters left), and I just stopped reading it.


It's like, the ending is really special so I want to wait until the time is right before I read/watch it, and it just never happens. Anyone else have a habit of doing this?


Also, I decided to spice up my blog. New name, sidebar is now on the left, and I'll put a different Futurama quote under that picture with each new entry.


Oh - also! - this doesn't really have to do with anything, but Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials is coming to television. Between that, and the new Star Trek show, I've got a lot to look forward to!


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The Death Note finale was great, you won't regret watching it.

Oh I'm sure you're right, I remember it got pretty intense toward the end. I'd like to start it over from the beginning some time, Death Note had a great plot.

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No, I'm the opposite

I have a hard time committing to reading/viewing/following something beyond the first few chapters/episodes/whathaveyou, barring a few odd discrepancies

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Yeah, I've done that to a few shows, leaving with only a few episodes left. Tho not Harry Potter, finished that last book as fast as possible.



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Yeah, I've done that to a few shows, leaving with only a few episodes left. Tho not Harry Potter, finished that last book as fast as possible.



Because you loved it so much, or because you couldn't take any more heartbreak? :P I really should force myself to finish Harry Potter, the last two books are so great.


LOST and Ninjago are like this right now. 

I hope you finish LOST! And not just because the last season is so great, but also because if you go too long without watching, you'll forget what's going on.

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