Just want to share this pic of my son playing with some Bionicle sets for the first time. It melted my heart, if anyone else will get it it's got to be you guys!
My plans to indoctrinate the babies are finally coming to fruition. 🤨
It's been over a month since I started working at McDonalds, and it's been going well. I seem to be doing better than some of the kids that work there. I've also been living with a friend, and I'm really excited to move into my own apartment. It'll be fantastic to finally have a space for my cat, and to once again have my own room. Getting sick and tired of living in other people's places. But personal space issues aside, living with the roommate is overall a lot of fun. You know those Monop
This has been sitting on my hard drive for a while so I'll just go ahead and share it.
It's a test-render of the 3D Okoto I teased a while ago. If I'm able to resume working on Creatures of Okoto, the render of the island will be longer (probably like 60 seconds), with an introduction to the project. And the title will look nicer. I've got some other animations I'd like to share (the region animations). If I don't get back to developing the combiner project then I'll share them as well.
I've got an interview for a job tonight. This'll be my first interview. Just had it scheduled half an hour ago when I called to follow up on my application.
Well, not quite. I'm moving in about 36 hours. Going back to Alabama! Neither Florida nor Alabama have really felt like the right place for me, but I am excited to move back to my hometown. A wonderful friend is giving me a place to stay while I get settled...It's gonna be sweet.
I'm moving in ten days. I'll probably make a post about that later, but right now I'm starting to gather my things, and decide what to bring, what to leave here, and what to toss (since I really can't leave much here in storage). So I guess it's time to say goodbye to the ol' LEGO Magazine collection: Guess it's not a big deal, since I never read them anyway. I think I'll just keep a few for memories' sake. I'm also going to throw away a bunch of my Bionicle canisters: Mostly, I'm going to
Creatures of Okoto (...Preview.) I'm moving pretty soon, and starting to work, and having to leave some stuff behind, and probably taking a little hiatus from Bionicle, at least to some degree. I'll still log on here and do This Month in Bionicle, but MOCs will probably be difficult, so Creatures of Okoto is being postponed. But, since I have a handful of combiners already, I'm going to share what I've got, rather than just sitting on them. So, these are all made with the 2016 sets, and
But seriously. I just wanted to give a little update on Music of Okoto - I put it off for, like, two months, but I'm still going to finish it. Been working on it a lot the past few days. Music of Okoto is a series of in-universe songs from the G2 Bionicle universe, as in, the music that the villagers play. There will be one song for each Region, and maybe a few extras. Here's a detailed report of how much I have made: RoJ: 1 song finished. RoE: 1 song conceptualized, haven't really started t
I've been building some Creatures with the new sets for my next combiner series, and here's an alternate for Melum...that I can't finish. Isn't it such a cute little snow turtle thing? There aren't any good parts left for a head. Poor adorable little snow critter doesn't get to be in the project.
I've been busy as a Bohrok this year in my MOC building, so here's a little review of everything I made in 2015. Life is starting to speed up through January and February, so I don't know how active I can be in 2016, but I'll still be here on BZP. I know I couldn't live with myself if I faded away from the Bionicle reboot. Speaking of which, I'll be heading to the store soon, since the local Target supposedly has some 2016 Bionicle sets in stock. Time to spend that Christmas money.
I wasn't sure if I'd be able to see Force Awakens, but my brother decided to treat us to tickets tomorrow! Confession: I haven't even seen the trailer. I'm excited. And, I haven't even had anything spoiled yet. Wonderful.
Today, Black Six distributed the digital perks from the 2015 BrickFair Convention Circuit, which officially concludes the circuit (for me, anyway). I sent in three MOCs: ...and had them returned a little early, because I thought my return address might change. (It didn't.) Inside the package, along with the MOCs themselves, I got a few goodies: - Noble Ruru (Black) - Brain Attack polybag - Sealed Turaga Vakama polybag (awesome!) I also chose "Rahi Wrangler" as my member title. Since
When Makuta donned the Mask of Ultimate Power, Okoto split, and he fell beneath it in a deep slumber. The power of the mask caused him to grow a thousand times in size, until one day, he will rise again.
Recently I've been sifting through different fonts, trying to find the right one. I've settled for a font called Avenir: Isn't that just the loveliest font you've ever seen? Are there any fonts you're partial to?
Just thought I'd give an update to the 3D Okoto project I shared the other day! I'll link the images in here to high-res versions. The camera will start by looking down at the island, the way it appears in the Okoto map from bionicle.com: In the animation, those clouds are drifting toward the north-west. Then, it will swoop down, past the clouds: The difference between those two images is subtle, but it looks really cool to actually see the clouds spread apart as they fly by. They
If you read my previous entry, you know that I'm creating a third Wildlife Combiner installment, this time with a video. Well I've been creating some 3D scenes for each of the regions, by dissecting each regions' art into layers and creating short animations that show the art in motion. They're really cool (and a lot of fun to make!) and I'm excited to share them next year. But while I wait for the new sets, I'm also creating an animation of the island itself. So right now, I'm working on a
I'm planning a third installment to my Wildlife Combiners series, which will be called Creatures of Okoto. I'd like to make a video for the project, and what can I do to make the video special? Well, I decided to make a soundtrack for each Region. I've got some concepts for all six regions of Okoto, but the Region of Jungle is already a full song, and I'm going to share it here to hopefully get some feedback. https://soundcloud.com/nascentmusic/region-of-jungle/s-qCl4X The idea is that thi
Today I passed out with my arm tucked beneath my pillow. A couple hours later, I awoke in that same position, and my right arm was dead. From the elbow down, it just felt like rubber. Couldn't move it at all, and it was completely numb. It was really weird to lift my arm up, and watch my hand just flop down like a piece of meat. After a couple minutes, it went back to normal, so I guess there's no lasting damage. Side note: the second Harry Potter movie had a fairly accurate portrayal of this.
This should be a criminal offense...maybe then I'd stop doing it. Still haven't finished Death Note. I was really into that show, made it to the second-to-last episode, really wanted to see how it ended - then three years passed and I still haven't finished it. Star Trek: The Next Generation. Freaking loved the show, watched all seven seasons, but still haven't watched the last episode. Been putting that off for months. Now I'm re-reading Harry Potter, and I'm at the very end of the fourth
When I was a kid, my family travelled a lot. I actually spent very little time in the States from '04 till '09, so I missed out on a lot of Bionicle - but I never forgot about it, and I missed it the entire time I was out of the country. In fact, the first thing I did when we returned to the US in 2006 was buy a Bionicle set (Hewkii Inika). I also managed to compile a massive collection of bulk parts, which I would haul around from country-to-country in an enormous hiker's backpack for years to
Recently I've been wanting some pumpkin pie. Just, I don't know, I love pumpkin pie, and I want to have some. Well as it turns out, I've been lied to, for you see pumpkin pie is in fact not seasonal. I always thought you could only get it on Thanksgiving, since that was the only time my family ever served this particular treat. Delighted, I picked up a can of pumpkin, and the ingredients from the recipe on the back - evaporated milk, seasonings, pie shell, all that good stuff - and just ten mi