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Thoughts on Latest Dawn of Justice Trailer

Toa Smoke Monster


Note: This entry talks about the latest Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer that was released yesterday. If you are someone who doesn't want to see a trailer or learn anything from a trailer about an upcoming movie, then don't read this. Spoilers are below.


So what did I think of the newest trailer for the movie? It was alright, TBH. I don't think that we needed another trailer for this movie though. I believe that people have most likely already decided if they will be seeing Dawn of Justice or not at this point in time, and this trailer isn't going to change their minds one way or the other. Plus, the trailer revealed some info about the movie. Info that I feel could've been kept from the public until the film was in theaters. (Looking at you, Doomsday.) I do have some bullet points on the film, and they are:


1. Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent meeting at a party. Their conversation slash minor debate about how Batman and Superman perform their respective jobs in their cities was kind of fun to watch. You can tell that Clark doesn't agree with Batman's methods of crime fighting, and on the other side Bruce doesn't like the idea of someone like Superman, someone who could 'burn down the planet' in his point of view, going around unchecked.


2. Lex Luthor is also at this party. I do think that Jesse Eisenberg is a good actor, but he plays his version of Lex so over the top in his scene with Clark and Bruce. Based on the other scenes that he has been shown in, I don't think he will be like that through the whole movie. At least, I hope he isn't like that.


3. We also see more shots of the end of Man of Steel from Bruce's point of view. I really think that these scenes are the very beginning of the movie, as they would help to show why Bruce is so against Superman. Bruce sees the Man of Steel as a possible threat to the world, and I bet his viewing of the Superman and Zod fight are what spawns that thought for him.


4. Like in the last trailer, we see Batman fighting men who are wearing Superman's logo on their uniforms. Except this time, we have what appears to be either robots or winged goblin creatures flying around them and attacking the men as well. I have read people's theories on what they are, but I personally have no idea what they could be.


5. We also see Batman chained up in an underground chamber, with Superman coming in and unmasking him. I've seen a lot of people speculate that this is just Batman imagining a worst case scenario about what Superman's true motives are like. I really hope that it isn't the case, because that would feel kind of cheap to me. I don't see why Superman would have Batman chained up though. I guess the movie will answer that when it comes out. (Or if another trailer reveals why. :P)


6. We also get more scenes from the battle that takes place between Superman and Batman. I'll still interested in seeing why Batman tries to battle Superman head up like this. Because we've seen what Superman could do in the Man of Steel. Not even Batman in a suit of armor would last long in a fight against him. That is, unless he has some Kryptonite with him, which I think is going to be in the film too. Plus, I've read that Batman's suit is composed out of General Zod's armor, so that could help him in the fight, I guess.


7. Like I said before, Doomsday is revealed in this trailer. Now I'm not an expert on DC characters by any means. I'm more of a Marvel person. So I have no idea what he is supposed to look like. But even I can guess that he isn't suppose to look like a hybrid of The Abomination from The Incredible Hulk and one of the Ninja Turtles from Michael Bay's TMNT. I don't that much about him except that he kills Superman in the comics, but I'm disappointed with his look. He just looks bland to me.


8. Wonder Woman is in this too. She saves Batman from Doomsday's laser vision attack, though this causes an explosion that levels a part of a city. I guess she's join Superman in court when the actual Justice League movie comes out to explain this. :P


9. And finally, we get a shot of Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman standing together against Doomsday. Its a cool shot, but what really has people talking about it is the fact that Batman is holding a gun in it. Its odd to see a character whom you've known to never use a gun to be using one here. I'm not really bothered by it, but given Batman's history I can see why some people are scratching their heads about this.


That is about all I have to say about this new trailer. What did you guys think of it?


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One hero stole the scene here, and it ain't one of the title characters. :P


(I mean, it kinda gives away that they team up eventually, but that was really inevitable.)



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Doomsday has always been an ugly guy.


Can't believe they showed him though. Ruins the hype of the film, Batman versus Superman, no other contenders. And now Doomsday?!?


Definitely deflated it for me, honestly.


Batman has used guns before...just not the lethal ones. Possible Anti-Doomsday gadget?

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 Rewatched it, and paid more attention to Doomsday. Seriously off base with the look.  He looks soft and fleshy, not rocky demigod I know and love.


 Also, entire movie has been spoiled. Love it.

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