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Tomorrow's going to be "fun"

Taka Nuvia


blog-0134530001449770923.jpgSee, for the past weeks I've had my fair share of trouble with the group in this semester's lab course (mainly being dealt/assigned far too much work for the protocols by "colleagues", as well as not getting along with one of the other students who is not at all ready to shift parts or come to a compromise in any way; or to put it short, runs me over with a rhethoric lawnmover whenever I attempt to communicate that there are problems.). Today I finally managed to talk to the professor about it, and he proposed that tomorrow, he'll sit down with our group and have a talk about it all. If that still won't help I might be able to switch to the parallel group, though. (which obviously would be the preferred solution for me, as a part of me fears that tomorrow will only make matters worse, but we'll see).


But really, the situation is quite ridiculous; something like that has never happened to me before. :/

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Urg. Not cool.


If you need to, feel free to tell the problem Lawnmower one that a random dude on the internet really doesn't appreciate what they are doing and would like to compromise by having Lawnmower step on a Lego piece or seven or ninety-two barefoot.


Of which at least ten need to be Onua Mata Claws. 


(hope it all goes well! Keep us posted!)

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This is why I absolutely hate group projects. Had this one in my first year of uni, and one of the people in my group just disappeared after the first meeting, with it being completely impossible to get in touch with him, and I was the only one in the group who cared enough to actually do the work he was supposed to. Then two days before it was due, he shows up and explains that he went off for a break to Turkey, without bothering to let anyone know or anything. I still don't understand what has to be going through one's head to do that.


I really hope your situation gets resolved, and you do get to switch to a group with competent people. It's so incredibly frustrating.

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A group project? Ow. I feel your pain.


I mean, I appreciate that it can help students improve their organizational and coorperational skills, but it also makes the group's grade dependent on its weakest link.


If by "rhetorical lawnmower" you mean a bunch of bluster and bravado, I suggest you silently stare your uncooperative colleague down, next time he does it. Easier said than done, granted, but that sort of self-pitying intimidation only works if it gets some sort of response.


You'll be in my prayers.

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