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The Longest Youtube Ad Ever

Toa Smoke Monster


So I had a Youtube video pulled up and was listening to it while I was busy with other stuff, when all of a sudden an ad popped up on it. I went over to the computer to hit the 'skip' button when I noticed the length of this particular ad. It had the longest length I've ever seen on a Youtube ad hands down. How long was it exactly, you ask? It was a hour and 21 minutes long.




And why was this ad so long? Because apparently it was the first two full episodes of MTV's The Shannara Chronicles. That's right, folks. The first two full episodes of this series were used as a Youtube ad!


I am truly baffled as to why whoever did this did this. I can understand a teaser that lasted 30 seconds being shown as an ad. I could even understand a one to two minute trailer being shown. But why the first two full episodes? Did whoever thought of this really think that someone would watch an ad that is almost a hour and a half long before getting to the video they originally wanted to see?! I just can't see any sense in this. Unless MTV just really wants people to see these episodes by any means necessary. :P


P.S. This isn't a complaint against The Shannara Chronicles. I've seen the majority of the first three episodes of the show, and I've actually enjoyed what I've seen of it. It's not the most groundbreaking show to ever come into existence, but I like its story so far and its effects look really good for a TV show. I plan to continue to watch it and see where it goes with its story.

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saw some posts on reddit from people who experienced the same thing. there was also a tumblr post floating around last year by a guy who got the entire Horton Hears a Who movie as a YouTube ad.


it's interesting marketing, to say the least.

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"I remember back in the early days of the internet, where the ads on videos were only 15 seconds. Not the hour and a half long ones we see today."



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One time I inadvertently listened to an ad which had really nice background music, because my actual video was more music.

It was great, I got to add a new song to my collection.

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UGH I thought the 25 minute unskippable ad I got on there that was some episode of a reality show about tattoos was bad. I literally had to close out of the app and restart my phone just to get it to stop popping up before the video I wanted to watch.

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UGH I thought the 25 minute unskippable ad I got on there that was some episode of a reality show about tattoos was bad. I literally had to close out of the app and restart my phone just to get it to stop popping up before the video I wanted to watch.


1. Get AdBlock phone browser

2. Use YouTube site through it

3. ???

4. Profit!


*Snaps fingers*

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I think the advertiser was trying to increase audience engagement with their ads. 


They have succeeded - now the internet is talking about it, including you. :P


To foil these nefarious schemes, use Adblock in the future for the best YouTube browsing experience. 

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One time I got an ad that was just the Circle of Life. Literally just the song from The Lion King. It wasn't even from Disney, it just randomly played the opening number from the movie that some YouTuber posted.

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