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Kaleidoscope Tekulo


Gathered friends,


It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you all of the passing of Akano: Toa of Electricity. You know, this dorkus. He was found on a beach this morning somewhere in Australia. As to what he was doing there, there is strong evidence of a kangaroo boomerang war with sharks and lazerbeams. It is believed Akano bravely fought off twelve sharks, six kangaroos, five platypuses and a duck before succumbing to a deadly splinter from a boomerang accident. Truly a tragedy.


Many will remember Akano for his comic series here on BZPower, truly the only noteworthy thing he has ever done with his life ever. Others may remember him for his physics lectures on his blog, but let's be honest, only nerds pay attention to those. It is a travesty that such legacies shall never be continued. He was also probably like one minifigure away from completing the latest wave of blind bags too.


From a young age, Akano has always had an interest in science. He would place string on an ice cube and then add salt to perform the darkest of sorcery known to man. He was always eager to learn and would never shut up when he learned something he thought was interesting. I mean, I have learned things just by knowing Akano that I never knew I cared so little about. Akano was also fascinated with ancient Egypt, which makes it even more curious why he would travel all the way to Australia. I mean, that's not even close to Egypt.


As per his will, Akano shall have his lips sewn shut, his eyebrows plucked and the rest of him mummified. The mummy will be put on display as a warning to small children of what happens when you pick a fight with Australian fauna. May he rest in peace.


Pay your respects, then get off my lawn,

~Tekulo <3

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Good Mourning

Good Mourning

Sun beams will soon smile through

Good Mourning

Good Mourning to you and you and you and you

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I must say that I was deeply saddened by the news of my passing. My sincere condolences to my friends and family.
In other news, I've achieved total clairvoyance, what with being dead and all. Your dreams go nowhere, by the way. 8D


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I must say that I was deeply saddened by the news of my passing. My sincere condolences to my friends and family.


In other news, I've achieved total clairvoyance, what with being dead and all. Your dreams go nowhere, by the way. 8D




I am worried that your survival is only a "probably" and not a "definitely"


I mean you can be probably anything but that doesn't mean you are



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"Many will remember Akano for his comic series here on BZPower, truly the only noteworthy thing he has ever done with his life ever."
A Ph.D. thesis, a blog on math and physics, and several conferences later, this is still the most factual part of this entry. :P

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