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You can meet anyone in history, who do you meet?



You're granted the power to meet anyone in history. Who is it you would want to meet?




I always thought it'd be interesting to meet FDR.




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Do we also get a translator too?  I mean, there are a lot of people from history I'd love to meet, but I'm kind of limited to a few modern languages.

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Do we also get a translator too?  I mean, there are a lot of people from history I'd love to meet, but I'm kind of limited to a few modern languages.


Theoretically the same power that granted you the ability to meet this person would also allow you to communicate with them in some manner, so yes.



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I hope you made this entry well aware that everyone was gonna give you wise-guy answers :P


Anyway I would meet myself before facebook was invented and give her the idea for facebook. That's my wise-guy answer, AND my serious answer.

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I hope you made this entry well aware that everyone was gonna give you wise-guy answers :P


Anyway I would meet myself before facebook was invented and give her the idea for facebook. That's my wise-guy answer, AND my serious answer.


Yeah, as I've asked more and more questions I've been made aware of just how the people on this site run. Doesn't matter how specific I make a question, there's always going to be one that does it differently.



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Not one of my heroes, that's for sure.


 Maybe an inventor of sorts? Edison? Tesla? How about Van Gogh, and his struggles? Perhaps Stalin and see what kind of man he was before he became a tyrant and murderer?


 How about a defender of the Alamo? A soldier or warrior that nobody will ever remember but played a part in an important battle? Get to see and speak to them about the event at a real personal level?


 What about a peasant? A simple French farmer in the 13th century, and his values and morals, his beliefs and ideas? A king?


 I don't know, so many options, so many things I want to know and ask, it's hard to say.

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C.S. Lewis back in the days when the Inklings often met at the Eagle and Child. That way I can chat with him, and get food with Tolkien and the rest.

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How much can we influence history on our trip back? Like, what if I were to meet up with Archduke Franz Ferdinand and say "You should totally blow off that trip to Sarajevo."



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