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Recommend a Book!



I'm interested in getting into some reading this summer and I'm curious as to what books you guys have read. Are there any stories you find particularly interesting? What did you enjoy reading? I want to know!


So if you could recommend an interesting book to read over the summer, what book would you recommend?



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The Disaster Artist: My Life Inside The Room by Greg Sestero & Tom Bissell. the true story behind the best worst movie ever made.

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I just read Delilah Dirk and the King's Shilling by Tony Cliff, and Sophie's World by Jostein Garder. The first is an action-adventure comic with really lovely illustrations and fun characters, and the second is a just bizarrely enjoyable book about philosophy and a Norwegian girl who comes home to two notes in her mailbox asking "Who are you? and "Where does the world come from?".

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Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey

Then the rest of the series.

(It also has a tv adaptation airing on SyFy that is SO GOOD)

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The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper. (the rest of the series is awesome as well)


Can I suggest two?


Master And Commander by Patrick O'Brian.

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Run by Blake Crouch.


You've heard about the zombie apocalypse, where a large portion of the population is transformed into mindless, shuffling cannibals.  Imagine, instead, they were turned into fully intelligent psychopaths who want nothing more than to team up and brutally murder all the normal people.  Great thriller story, couldn't put it down.

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A Princess of Mars, by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Science-Fantasy Pulp Adventure, can get bloody and a couple of gory scenes, but they are in low detail and soon you'll be past what happened. Story and the sequels served as an inspiration for science fiction, science fantasy, and fantasy stories throughout the twentieth century, so if you want to see where some of that stuff came from, look here. Basically super bouncy tarzan in space.


Roverandom, by John R.R. Tolkien. A story written by the author for a son of his when he lost a toy dog, the the toy dog coming to life, going to the moon, gaining wings, and having adventures with a wizard, swamps, and dragons. The ideas in here serve as a precursor to and inspiration for Tolkien's later The Hobbit and other Middle-Earth tales.

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The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan. A fun fantasy story mixing Greek mythology with a modern-day setting and the first book in the Percy Jackson series (ignore the movie version at all costs).

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