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Garreg Mach

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wondering if anybody would be interested in using Roll20 to get a campaign going or something? I have no idea what the cost might be and also have zero experience so a dm would be cool but yeah


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i would but i'm

a) literally going to be in the first session of a new game tomorrow

2) starting college soon and do not need two games going at once


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I too would be interested... mind you I've never actually played DnD, but I have looked through it multiple times, watched other people play it and even bought the... Rulebook/guide? Back in like 2009. So yeah, would be coming in rather blind but interested and willing to learn.

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I don't know if you've already got something planned and I can't commit to anything long-term. However, I do have a bit of experience DMing D&D 3.5 and am not running any games this month. I love introducing new players to D&D and would gladly DM a couple sessions over Roll20 for you. That's assuming, of course, that schedules and such work out.


Again, I can't commit to a long-term campaign (at least not one that meets regularly), as I'll be running an in-person group during the school year.  I'd lean towards a one-to-three session game just to let people learn what D&D is. Maybe if some BZPers were interested we could continue with monster-of-the-week/mercenary type adventures every now and again.


And of course scheduling and tech issues are always limiting factors. People need webcams and decent internet, and I've never DM'd online before.

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