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I Am Leaving Bzpower

Spoony Bard


Consider this my last entry of anything. BZP has become a lost cause and I am leaving (at least leaving my position here).




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Isn't this a suprise. Whatever reasons that made your decision what it is... Well, I hope you fare well in your future. Good luck, Volar!

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First mfuss903, now Omicron. When will it end? Anyways I`m gonna miss you Omi, you were such a great moderator. And well Omi is now Volar. I guess the spirit of Omi will be in Volar.

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Goodbye Omi. I haven't known you as well as the other members because I haven't been on BZP that long but I know that you will be strongly missed by all of us.

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If I may just say...that sucks. I hope whatever the reasons are that it's nothing severe or because of any misfortune.


Best of luck to you. Thanks for the memories, and the Spiritomb.


But keep in mind that BZP is a little less awesome with you on the way out.

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You can't be serious! :(

*sigh* Well, goodbye then, Omi; you've really be great. This is a dark day in BZP history. But I hope you find happiness in whatever you do. Goodbye....

(BTW, if this is a joke, not only is it better than anything on April Fool's Day, but we'll all kill you for it. :P )

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Wow, this is quite a shock.



Well Volomi, if you're really going to leave, I can't stop you. But keep in mind, BZP will be a little less awesome without you.



But like the other person, instead of saying Goodbye, I'll just say, "See you around".

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o_O Please tell me you're joking. Seriously man, don't freak me out, I hate saying goodbye, especially to someone as cool as you...


I'm sad. As much as I don't want to admit it, I almost feel like crying. Why leaving? Perhaps you could elaborate the reason for your departure. :(


Good luck with your life, non the less. I guess I'll see ya 'round on AIM, hopefully. ;)

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Has anyone pointed out this:

Omi is still hanging around. He even posted in a couple more blogs.


Just goes to show that we shouldn't believe him, (as usual...moreso take him seriously.....)




PS, Omi, if you are leaving, can I have your front page writer position? (seriously)

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Just goes to show that we shouldn't believe him, (as usual...moreso take him seriously.....)

Notice I left my position, and won't be coming back. :P


I am just doing what Fuss is doing. Leaving, but still kicking around. Plus I have a Wifi League to hold up.



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*feels the urge to pinch Omi - now Volar*.


Me thinks he was just tryin' to see what happens if he really does leave - and our reactions to that action.


Ah yes, Wifi League. That must explain it all.


*pinch* You should've told us all that you're giving up staff role, and riding it easy with a new identity!



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First Schizo, then mfuss, and now Omi! :crying:
Schizo's still here.



What about the BZPFL, Volar?


Consider the name he changed to. ^_^



dude you always wanted to be like me ;)
He's such a poser. :evilgrin:



I'll hold the fort, Omi, and I'll continue set you place at the dinner table.
And I'll continue to sit in that spot. (We must erase all traces.)


Now we begin the going away party... key word's being "party." :P


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM


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Has anyone pointed out this:

Omi is still hanging around. He even posted in a couple more blogs.


Just goes to show that we shouldn't believe him, (as usual...moreso take him seriously.....)




PS, Omi, if you are leaving, can I have your front page writer position? (seriously)


He isn`t exactly leaving. He`s just leaving staff position.

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