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2008 Preview



Just a few things you can expect to see in BIONICLE Legends #10, in addition to the already confirmed return of Takanuva:


-- The return of Toa Krakua

-- First appearance in story of the leader of the Order of Mata Nui

-- Just what are those krana-kraata hybrids from way back in BA #10?

-- The origin of the Bohrok


While Book 10 will feature some of main story, it is probably going to start a trend of the books being a little bit more side story and mystery revelations as opposed to having to carry the entire load of telling story for the year. In part, this is because of the reduced publication schedule, in part because it is the ideal format to be able to resolve old mysteries (since comic has to focus on current characters only).


My best info right now is that books will continue into 2009, but how many and what format is still being discussed between LEGO Company and Scholastic.




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Greg, if you want to raise awareness, why not put the books on a page in the magazine, or like a small postcard-sized piece of pape in the magazines that support the books and tell people some available retailers? Or, imagine, pormoting Bionicle books in the Bionicle comics? Lol.



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Ooh, I just got an idea for how you could advertise. Maybe put snippets and excerpts online, or in the magazine or comics? Something to get the reader to know about all the great stuff that goes on in the books. 8D


Anyway, SWEET! I just love it when we get more background story, and get to read about the older characters we've come to like. Can't wait next summer! ^^

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We are planning to do something online to promote the books. Doing it in the magazine or in instruction books is more problematic, simply because Scholastic has to pay for that space and they don't have much of a marketing budget for licensed titles (apparently).


V.K.'s idea of footnotes in the comic is a good one and one that I like -- last time we did that, though, as I recall, BZPers had a fit about it. People were screaming that they didn't want to have to spend $5 to find out what happened, etc. (I think the comic being free has sort of spoiled people -- I mean, you don't get the Star Wars story for free or the Lord of the Rings story for free -- you have to buy the books or go to or rent the movies).





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V.K.'s idea of footnotes in the comic is a good one and one that I like -- last time we did that, though, as I recall, BZPers had a fit about it. People were screaming that they didn't want to have to spend $5 to find out what happened, etc. (I think the comic being free has sort of spoiled people -- I mean, you don't get the Star Wars story for free or the Lord of the Rings story for free -- you have to buy the books or go to or rent the movies).



Amen to that.

Spoiled people… <_< sheesh why can't people think anymore?




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-- The return of Toa Krakua


So does this mean we'll finally get to see a Toa-Of-A-Not-Standard-Element in action, I wonder?


-- First appearance in story of the leader of the Order of Mata Nui


Interesting. I thought of the Order as all being equal, with Mata Nui being their leader, and all of them having specific jobs within the Order.


-- Just what are those krana-kraata hybrids from way back in BA #10?


I think many of us are waiting for this.


-- The origin of the Bohrok




While Book 10 will feature some of main story, it is probably going to start a trend of the books being a little bit more side story and mystery revelations as opposed to having to carry the entire load of telling story for the year.


That's awesome! To be honest, I was getting tired of the comics being super-condensed versions of the books.



All in all, I'm loving 2008 already.

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Best. Blog. Post. Ever. Thats some juicy info right there. Greg, will Krakua just be in a small cameo like Bionicle Legends#10, since he isn't a set?



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Hm...this worries me...the comics are good and all, but they have never been the best at conveying the story. Then again, I suppose if the story is simplified in the first place it won't be so hard to tell it convincingly.


Just please, don't make Sayger draw anymore scenes like the one where Nuparu "accidentally" shoots off his Cordak launcher :P


(If you haven't seen it...well, while it works in the book, such a scene is nigh impossible to illustrate convincingly...)

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So if the main story is going to be in the comics, does this mean they'll be bigger again? (or did the polls' results suggest otherwise?)


Waiting for more books and extra info in those!



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This is why you're one of the best authors. You're not cold or unapproachable, you're friendly; you talk to the fans, you know what they want, and then you deliver. Greg, you are awesome.



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Cap'n -- My last info is that sales have not improved that much. On the plus side, Scholastic has some new people working with us on marketing ideas for the book (including the Amazon blog I have started doing) so maybe those will help.


I firmly believe a lot of the issue is awareness -- most BIONICLE fans simply have no idea there are books at all.




Thats so cool! I cant wait to see bionicle of 2008! I was hoping that you would make a Great Kiril next year, but I still look forward to seeing 2008-2009. Also i was hoping for the Bahrag Twins in Toa form, from the matoran mythology. :smilebahrag2: :smilebahrag1: I hope that one day a Great Kiril will come out cuz I cant finish my my Toa Hinuku Icon lol. Well, best of luck with bionicle, hope there is alot more to come. (Love the sound of Krakua comming out! :D)


:ruru: Posted by: Toa Hinuku, The Toa Of Ice! :huna:

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-- First appearance in story of the leader of the Order of Mata Nui


I like that one :P


Greg, why doesn't LEGO sell the books on the website?

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I believe at least some of the books are sold through the Shop At Home site, but not sure if there is a link to that on BIONICLE.com -- good question.


One piece of good news I have is that there WILL be a comic in January, as opposed to a poster. Far as I know, at most we will go back to the 12 pages an issue, and I think the "what has happened before" section may come back -- a lot of kids asked for that.



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ET - I definitely do see your point. At the same time, the books are only selling to maybe 30,000 people, while the comic is going out to 1.5 million. So I haven't really been in a position to say, "This was covered in the book, don't have to do it here" because most comic readers aren't reading the books.




I actually like the books better than the comics.


Regarding the new information: Can't wait for Krakua!!

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because most comic readers aren't reading the books.

heheheh, yeah,and I'm one of them :)

here's an idea. instead of putting these phenomenal secrets in the books, you could put them in the centerspread in the comics for the people that read only comics, and if you're going to stop wrighting bionicle books in the near future, it would be an alternative way to reveal the secrets of bionicle :) .

OoMN leader, huh? now that would be a cool set!!!! :o :)


you rock!!!! I've loved bionicle ever since the beginning!!!

with all due respect,

an adoring fan




:tohu: neo. tyranus. darth. rodakhshus. :tohu:


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That's a big "Finally" on Krakua. It's also a sign that the Inika/Mahri have completed their mission that Krakua told Vakama about in order for himself to exist.




You know how toa could not become turaga until thier destinies were complete? I hope that the Inika/Mahri don't have to become turaga to bring Krakua into existence!


We are planning to do something online to promote the books. Doing it in the magazine or in instruction books is more problematic, simply because Scholastic has to pay for that space and they don't have much of a marketing budget for licensed titles (apparently).


V.K.'s idea of footnotes in the comic is a good one and one that I like -- last time we did that, though, as I recall, BZPers had a fit about it. People were screaming that they didn't want to have to spend $5 to find out what happened, etc. (I think the comic being free has sort of spoiled people -- I mean, you don't get the Star Wars story for free or the Lord of the Rings story for free -- you have to buy the books or go to or rent the movies).





That drove me crazy when I didn't see the movies or buy the books! I'll be waiting for #10!

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