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I'm Getting Married :o :o :o

Kevin Owens


Yeah, no joke either. I'm getting married to 15 Year Old Girl. The date is set for the 21st at 3PM in my blog. We're going to try to get Swert for the minister, but we'll see how that goes.


Be sure to show up ;)


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That is sick and creepy on so many levels >.<


It's only sick and creepy if I'm sick and creepy, which I'm not

I beg to differ. We're friends, after all.



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That is sick and creepy on so many levels >.<


It's only sick and creepy if I'm sick and creepy, which I'm not

I beg to differ. We're friends, after all.




You aren't sick and creepy...you're just different


Also, a chocolate is fine too

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Hmmmm..... luckily, this is a joke. E-weddings never seem to work out. The cake always gets eaten by hackers.

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If you need somebody to perform the marriage rites, I'm ready. If you already have somebody, I can just lend them my copy of the Necronomicon should they need it.
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Yay? Mind if my Daleks and I crash the party? :evilgrin:


You are crashing wrong :( you aren't supposed to tell us!

So I'm a polite crasher, you got a problem with that? :angry:

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Yay? Mind if my Daleks and I crash the party? :evilgrin:


You are crashing wrong :( you aren't supposed to tell us!

So I'm a polite crasher, you got a problem with that? :angry:


Yes, I do


Crashers aren't polite so you're not invited to the party >:0

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Yay? Mind if my Daleks and I crash the party? :evilgrin:


You are crashing wrong :( you aren't supposed to tell us!

So I'm a polite crasher, you got a problem with that? :angry:


Yes, I do


Crashers aren't polite so you're not invited to the party >:0

Uh, isn't it a known fact that crashers aren't invited? :???:


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I hate to ruin your fun but. You cant cause its 15 year old girl 0: THATS ILLEGAL


Sixteen ;D


And I signed the permission form!!!!!


Can I be the fat uncle that eats all the cake and laughs all the way through the vows?


On who's side?

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