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Project Unveil: Bionicle Reference Center!




In mere hours, the next Reference Project will go live! A series of clues was hidden that revealed three levels of mystery about the project. All three levels have been solved! There is no more mystery -- except what exactly is in the new BRC -- and so there are no more question marks from this point on. The three levels of Mystery were these:

1) The next Reference Project is going live! Today!

2) It involves a shared account, the Reference Keeper Team.

3) It is no small project -- this is the new Bionicle Reference Center, now in the form of a forum!

The winners are: Ca'gerrin, Adventurer, GB#1, Gravitan, Lih, and Laughin' Man. Congrats, and enjoy those cookies!

Inside this forum will be several topics full of reference posts by the shared account, written by Reference Keepers. For today, all you'll get to see is the empty forum, but over the series of days after that, one resource topic a day will be revealed. There is one more bonus clue that will tell you how many days (including today) we will be announcing. Thus, if you subtract one, you will know how many reference topics there will be. :) (Sorry, no cookies for that clue. :P)

More details will be in the announcement article, along with a screenshot. Keep watching the front page!


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Heh, that was FUN. I can't wait to see the forum.


Question: Will normal members be able to post there?

No, only the shared account (and me and admins). There will be a suggestion topic, probably in S&T, where members can post suggestion/errors, and a talkback to discuss the project. :)


And I'm glad you enjoyed it. :) I can't wait to reveal it. ^_^

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Anyway so the new forum's going up tommorow?

I suppose that depends on your timezone :P but in EST, it's going up later today. :) Although today it will be empty. Starting tommorrow the actual reference resources go live, one per day.

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Dude, it's about time... except for the fact I had no knowledge of this project! Of course!


Heh, glad to hear it... remember folks, if you're a storyline buff, TODAY IS A GOOD DAY FOR YOU! BS01 returning (soon, I promise) and BZP's own Reference Center. This will be fun, no doubt. -Swert

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If something is written there, is it official? So I could take quote from there?


Sounds cool :P

Yep -- or at least it better be; if it isn't, you should post about the error in the suggestion topic that launches in S&T tomorrow. :)

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If something is written there, is it official? So I could take quote from there?


Sounds cool :P

Yep -- or at least it better be; if it isn't, you should post about the error in the suggestion topic that launches in S&T tomorrow. :)


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