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A Secret To Becoming Staff

Spoony Bard


Everything Rich has said here is true. However I am gonna give ya a little tip for those who wish to become staff in the future.




When you want to be staff, should never be about you. Should be about BZP and its members.


Back in 2004 before I was promoted to the Support Team, I wanted to be a staff member. I did not want it for the position. I wanted it to further my goal to help members, which in turn came to be a success.


Over the time I was a little troublesome and also stubborn, I admit. I still hold the title of the Staff Rebel (always nearing the line), but also kept the staff integrity. Yes I have been banned in my position, but I returned because I still wanted to help.


Last year I resigned from my position as Forum Assistant due to mental health issues. I refused to carry out my position on the staff in my condition so I left. During my leave, I still had the yearning to return to staff because I still wanted to help others. So after four months I returned. I did my duty with pride and dedicated myself once again to it. Later in the year I was promoted to News Reporter (the first Support Team/Forum Assistant member to ever be promoted to that).


Now we enter 2007. I am still doing my job, however I felt something was missing. I felt like I wasn't an important part of the staff team (despite being told many times how I was important), given the fact I had only 4 forums, only one of which had the most activity and all I did was close topics. Anyone could perform my job technically. And also at that point I wasn't really getting anywhere so I decided to just resign again and put BZP behind me. I resented everyone and refused to be a part of the site. And the reason being is that I wanted to be a moderator knowing the fact I would never achieve this position (and trust me, I knew). I spoke to Rich about it, since I wanted to return as a moderator and not as a FA. You may think I a being greedy. Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't. He told me straight up that I won't be a moderator unless I gave him a good reason I should be.


I pretty much told him that I just wanted to be a moderator to help. Selflessness. I didn't want the job for the amazing perks and my enormous avatar. Heck, I told him I will still take the position even if I had no avatar, signature, perks, and negative posts. Pretty much strip me from amazing goodies.


I am sure some of you think I enjoy this position just because I can tell members what to do or take away proto. In fact I don't want to tell members what to do nor take their proto. I don't want to be the "bad guy", but instead be the mediator.


So next time you feel like standing out to be chosen by the admins to be staff, just remember it should be about the site, and not for yourself.




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That's what most members here don't realize. All they care about is that full proto bar and being able to close topics, which is very annoying.

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Very wise post Omi, I totally agree with you on this. Though I will admit, it does make you feel good to get full proto, or to get some attention, the bottom line is that you need to be selfless and ready to help, be completely humble about it all.


And though I am not a staff on BZP, usually the people who don’t ask (but still help out quite a lot), get chosen, and not the people who beg for a position as far as I see, Admins choose who by how helpful, mature, selfless in acts and so on.

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:crying: Soooo true...


:mellow: Well, tis good to know the staff are here to help out. Some of my better moments here are when I know I was able to help somebody with a problem. It's cool.



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Yeah true. Even though I'm not technically staff it's the same thing in the FT the bottom line is to help others out and not to get attention or perks. And what a good story too.

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I am sure some of you think I enjoy this position just because I can tell members what to do or take away proto. In fact I don't want to tell members what to do nor take their proto. I don't want to be the "bad guy", but instead be the mediator.

This, I think, is the most important part of the yarn. We on the staff don't enjoy chastising members. We only do it because we care about the membership enough that we don't want them exposed to the dumb things that troublemakers try to pull. All moderating action is solely for the protection of the membership.


We're not out to get you. We want everyone to have good fun here.

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I just wanna post the word "Amen" over and over. Omi, I couldn't have said it better myself -- and believe me, I've tried. Man, have I tried.


So I think I'll have to dig this up:




I don't hand that out lightly -- heck, I'm tempted to draw a new one just for the occasion, but I got homework and I am so tired I can't see what I'm typing. :P

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That is so true.


Being staff isn't about full proto, custom member titles, bigger avatars, etc. It's about helping members and making BZP a better place. Even if the other staff members don't see you help much, at least you know you have done your duty and have helped.


I myself don't care about proto that much anymore, I did before but not anymore. Heck even if I was at -5 proto, I wouldn't really care, I would just forget about it and go help a member at the Q&A. :D

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That was really well put Omi. I've kinda gone through the same thing here too. I wanted to become staff so I could be able to help make the site a better place (especially for the younger members as we all probably know how bad other forums can be), but it took a few PM's with ET for me to realize that I can do that as a regular member by reporting posts that don't belong, answering questions in New Member Q&A, and even by making a banner shop for new members to get cool customized banners.


I still occasionally hope that I'll become staff, but it doesn't consume my thoughts here on BZPower. And who knows? Maybe one of these days I'll make it.



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The level of awesome is so high, it deserves.....





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Last year I resigned from my position as Forum Assistant due to mental health issues.


Best line in the whole thing.

Doesn't he still have them?




Yes but a bit less it seams :P

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I should add something. Use the report button. Back when I was on Staff, you'd never imagine the number of times I'd see posts in threads such a "This is in the wrong forum" or "This isn't allowed." Yet when I went to check my reports...none of those posters had actually sent one in. Oddly enough, I would see several users who wouldn't post a thing, and would instead just click the report button and move along. And those are the people that always stood out to me as the most helpful.


I'm not staff anymore, but I have noticed that topics don't have multiple posts of "this isn't allowed" or "this is in the wrong forum". People will see the first person say it, and won't also post it.

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