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News And Notes - 11/19



A few notes:


* Due to the fact that it looks like we changing comic artists in 2008, there will be no comic in January. The current plan is for the number of actual comic pages per issue to go up to 16 next year, although I have not heard yet if we are doing a total of five issues, four issues, four issues plus one online, or what. I do know first issue of the year will be in March 2008.


The reason for the change is basically Stuart having other projects to focus on and our wanting to get back to more of a 2001-2002 style with the book. I believe they are close to deciding on the new artist, but I have not heard a name yet. Will let you know when I do.


* We WILL be holding the line on prices in 2008, to the best of my knowledge, meaning the "canister" sets will still be at $9.99 as they have been in 2006-2007. This is frankly in the face of mounting and extreme pressures on us and the entire industry to raise prices. The rising cost of oil means the cost to produce plastic is way up (as well as to transport goods) -- plus a weak dollar means that the company does not make as much profit off sales in the US as it did in the past. We are staying where we are in 2008 and hoping that increased volume will make up for this, but I have a feeling you are going to see other toy companies raising prices in the coming months.


* Script for the new movie is supposed to be coming to me today for review. Once I have seen it and okayed it, it will get passed on to the rest of the team for review and approval.




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Thanks for the info, Greg! :) I, personally, am kind of glad that we have a new artist. I preferred the older comics' style. Will the comics will be similar to the promo in comic 11?

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Hmm...so Stuart is gone for good.


Oh well. His drawings were getting a little too skinny for my liking anyway :P


Man, I can't wait for '08! The sets look really good.



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Stuart's styly was...different...but it was very well suited to the Piraka and Barraki, and the new toa, but when I saw Vakama in the last comic (no offence Stuart)...I thought it was pretty strange, seeing a character in two different styles. I am very glad that we will get 16 page comics now instead of 12 pages. It is good to know that the 2009 movie production is running smothly-it must take alot of work to make a CGI movie. The fact that oil prices are headed north means that Bionicle prices are likely to rise soon :crying: but mabye there is a more efficient way to make plastic from a cheaper commodity. At any rate, thanks for keeping us in the know!



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I agree with ToM, I never liked Stuart's art at all. It seemed sloppy and without much detail, leaving a lot to be desired. The Matoran were like stick figures without any features.


Anyway, I'm fine with the price, and the movie news is great.


I second that!


I third that!(or whatever...)

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Has Lego ever considered changing to that new corn oil thing?


If you mean ethanol, its chemical structure (I think) prevents plastic from being derrived from it.



petrol (oil) is composed of an arrangement of hydrogen-carbon chains, so is plastic.



ethanol is just a kind of alcohol.


anyways, dang, now I have to wait 4 months for a comic!


I've been wondering, howcome randy elliot quit?


think you can sneak us some spoilers on that movie script :P




with a bit of all due respect :P , n.t.d.r.

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I got out the comic books (yes, I have every issue) and I noticed something interesting. Carlos D'anda pencilled every issue up until the end of 2002, when Randy Elliott took over as artist all the way through 2005. That means that each timeline, sort of, has had its own artist with their own style. Stuart Sayger added a nice chaotic twist to the art style for Jaller's team in '06 and '07, and now the theme will be changing again. I still think issue 1 was the coolest, though.

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New artist? Yes. I Very like 01-02 style. But I Hate The Prices because I Live in the Europe and Canisters are 13€ each and it is 15.8 $ and 10 $ is 8.2€.

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I liked the 2001 and 2002 look the best!

That's awsome that they're going to try and have that look!

But I'm just looking forward to seeing the Toa Nuva again!

Lewa was the best, I have his Mata and Nuva versions, now I need his new Nuva version.

"New Nuva" :lol:


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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I feel the same about the same way Jordboy1, I also have Lewa in all his forms and can't wait to own his new form. Although I didn't get the 2001-02 comics, I have read them, and I did find them to have the best style.

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Has Lego ever considered changing to that new corn oil thing?



Ya, They should change to corn based plastics or whatever they are called...


oh, and did stuart do the Phantoka sneakpeak in the lego magazine?

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Why must companies make profits? Is it not enough for them to make out as they did the year before? grrrr

You don't seem to get it... profits aren't about making more than you made in the past-- it's about making more than you're paying in the present. And since BIONICLE typically has to spend more each year to pay their growing number of employees across the globe (as well as to pay for new part molds and other materials costs), they have to keep making more money than before. Such is the effect of success.


And believe me, LEGO won't raise prices above a reasonable level. Otherwise, they'd cease to make a profit, since they'd be making products that fewer people would buy. There is an island of stability, and LEGO's trying to find it.

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I don't suppose you could give us a little section of the script as a preview? I mean, with the names replaced or something so it wouldn't mess it up...


Man, Greg's so lucky!

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I am glad the prices are the same, I am also glad we are going back to the 2001-2002 style comics. To be honest, I didn't like Stuart that much. Oh well, no January comic. I can live with that. One question: the titans will remain $15-20?

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