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Since April 14th, 2006, those of you with microphones have been waiting for this moment. You have been hoping, nay, praying for a day when you too could star in another Flash PSA. Previously, I have only recruited people whose voices I had heard before, but no longer. The script has been written and now is finally the time when I hold open auditions for parts in PSA #5!!!

Reader: :OMG:

Yes, I know. So without further ado, I present you with the long and complex audition process:


Mantax: "Oh come on! That's hilarious! Man, you never laugh at anything I say."

Lewa: "*makes sounds to hush the person he is talking to* I know what I'm doing, when have I ever been wrong before?"

Tahnok: "Hey there. I'm a Bohrok, and I’m here to return Mata Nui to the way it was in the before time."

Matoro: "Oh, this’ll be a huge fad, let me tell you. It’ll be in all the signatures."


Having chosen a part for which you plan on auditioning, simply record yourself saying the given line in italics. Then, attach it to an e-mail and send it to spirit [at] bzpower.com (of course replacing the [at] with an @) with the subject as Audition.
IMPORTANT: Your audition must be in an e-mail and it must have Audition in the subject line or you will not be considered (:o).

The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 EST Saturday, February 9th, 2008 Anno Domini, which means you have roughly two weeks to do this.


Q: Why didn't you just write out your e-mail there?

A: Because, kids, that's one of the many ways spam bots send you e-mails. ;)

Q: Can I audition for more than one part?

A: Absolutely. In fact, I encourage it; less people to share the script with.

Q: What if I had a part in a previous PSA, can I still audition?

A: Go right ahead.

Q: Are those lines from the PSA?

A: Sort of. I've changed them a bit, though, to get a better idea of the voices.

Q: So how do you want me to say these lines?

A: It's up to you. Don't keep the character in mind as much as the spirit of the line itself.

Q: Can I use more than one voice for a particular line in my audition?

A: Absolutely; the more the merrier.

Q: Seriously, though, what does PSA stand for?

A: :uhuh:

Legal Stuff

Upon becoming a cast member, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WHATSOEVER may you share information from the script I will send you. Doing so will cause me to use the :angry: emoticon and trust me, you wouldn't want that.


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*struck by lightning*


*afterwards Spi has a cup of pudding*


So I submitted my audition. Hopefully I make it. -Swert

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I would audition, but I assume the characters will need to know how to say Bionicle words correctly, which I on the other hand do not, sadly. Beside that this sound like its going to be a cool PSA. I can't wait to see it.



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Finally! Thanks for giving us a heads up, Spi. :)


I just have to make it in this one. Could I say each line with more than one voice? I think that could work out well.

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Finally! Thanks for giving us a heads up, Spi. :)


I just have to make it in this one. Could I say each line with more than one voice? I think that could work out well.

Good question. Let me add that to the FAQ. :P

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I might try; my voice has improved since Super Jaller (man, I REALLY need to revise that thing...).


EDIT - I don't know why, but I might be doing the Coach Z voice on all 4 places.

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I'll consider if I can get my Dad's microphone to work. Could you describe what you had in mind for each part? (accents, tone, etc...)

And I quote, from the FAQ:


Q: So how do you want me to say these lines?


A: It's up to you. Don't keep the character in mind as much as the spirit of the line itself.


So accents, tone, whatever it is you're considering, it's all up to you.

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Question: Would it be acceptable to submit multiple voice styles for the same character, so long as it's on the same file? I recorded different voices and am having trouble deciding which ones to submit. ^_^


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM

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Question: Would it be acceptable to submit multiple voice styles for the same character, so long as it's on the same file? I recorded different voices and am having trouble deciding which ones to submit. ^_^


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM

Why doesn't anyone read the FAQ? :(


Q: Can I use more than one voice for a particular line in my audition?


A: Absolutely; the more the merrier.

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This is where I blame my brain for totally dropping the ball. I swear I read it, so I'm not sure how I missed or misread it. :blush:


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM

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This is where I blame my brain for totally dropping the ball. I swear I read it, so I'm not sure how I missed or misread it. :blush:


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM

Heh, don't feel too bad I did it too.


Sent my audition. I hope the .wma format will work for you.

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