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Toy Fair Pic



Last Friday I attended Toy Fair in Nuremburg, Germany, with my assistant, Anne Mette. She took this picture of me with a special attendee at the show.




And that's the only Toy Fair picture I have for you. :rolleyes:


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Oh, that glowing effect using the white bricks as it fades in is so cool! Lucky you. So, that gonna be a giveaway prize from you to us one of these days? :lol:



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That's a cool picture! Too bad for the eyes though, it would have been better if it had some more red.


Aaaaaaand... I dunno why but I don't belive the part 'bout the "This is the only pic I have for you" :P And in case it's true, I don't worry, after all we'll see them this week :P

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That's all...? :(


That's it, you HAVE to have others. Hand 'em over! :sly:


J/K :P But whenever you can show us, it'd be great. I've gotten four PMs from people asking me if

I wanna see the illegal ones. -_-


~Doc C.

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Hey Bink, I see Antroz, who's the Makuta next to him? You know, with the blue shirt on?


:lol: Hope you're having fun over there. Mind you, half the stuff they're showing from Bionicle you've seen no doubt, but if there's any new Lego Star Wars ships they plan to sell in the Summer, I bet you're having fun looking at them. -Swert

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It seems that almost every year, we get a life-size statue of the red villian. :P


You're right! 2006: Hakkan, 2007: Kalmah, 2008 antroz!

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Hm... I have this little Bio feeling that the other pics are hidden somewhere in your computer! We demand you to show it! Jk, but that statue of Antroz really is awesome. I wonder if it is the same person every single year. He might be spending 364 days of each year trying to create it just for Toy Fair :lol: . All in all, pretty cool!


:voyanui: F21 :voyanui:

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Oh, I am so disappointed! I thought you would have pics of the sets. :)

Anyway, this is a nice pic. Just tell us: What did you think of the sets? :P


~Gata. ;)

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Wow,you look just like Antroz!Oh,wait,I guess you would be the guy on the left. :lol: .

That Antroz statue looks really cool.At least they made the Trydax Pod out of LEGO Bricks instead of using,like,an electric ball (like they did with the Hakkan statue).

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