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Quite The Shock...

Lady Kopaka


So I had a pretty good day today, hung out with friends, so on...


But I get home, and dad gives me this look, and I knew something was up immediately. No jokes, nothing.


Remember when I and my dad went up to Tennessee? Well that was a job interview/along with meeting stuff. Well anyway, dad said this guy called back today, and he has been offered a job up in TN.


I asked dad what’s the percentage of moving, and he said 99%.


I have mixed feelings. First off I have some really close friends here, like one, my friend Lauren. I don’t know what I’d do without her. She’s always involved in my life somehow. ;; And I don't know how I could make anymore friends, I always have had a trouble fitting in.


But I really need to view this over, though I never really see it everyday our family is experiencing terrible financial drains, we can barely pay for anything these days, yet my dad is working his head off. If we moved, not only we would get a stable and nice pay, but actual health insurance. And we really need that, since my mom has suffered a bad illness for years. And of course we’d probably be able to get a better house…is around the country, and I love Tennessee.


But it’s such a shock. Well…that’s my wow for the day.


Edit: forgot to say, we'll be moving pretty soon...in a month or so probably.


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I already made my comments known.


Remember, things are now looking up for you. 99% chance of moving is still 99% better than right now. -Swert

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Yes, good luck. I hope you won't run into many problems. I find it fairly easy to make friends, it can be both a blessing and a curse.
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Best wishes, LK. There's a lot of good this holds for you, and while opportunity wasn't exactly as you'd hoped for, I hope that now that it has knocked it will be kind enough to come in.


With luck, this will improve your chances of attending Brickfair. :) But that's not nearly the full extent of the good that can come of this. Remember to keep your hopes up, and that you're in my prayers.

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Think about what is ultimately best for your family, and try to lay aside any misgivings you may have. It's not easy, but it keeps your heart where it should be. :)

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Guest kopakanuva13


Aw, having to leave your best friend? That's so sad :(

Well I wish you good luck anyways =]

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It may take a while to get used to the place, but you have your family to keep you company, eh?


If you do move, hope you enjoy this state....

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wow. I've moved alot so I know how it feels. I hope you like your new home, and you can always call your friends or keep in touch somehow. I also hope your mom feels better no your mom WILL feel better. If you keep telling yourself that something will happen, then it will. Works for me.

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Best of wishes for your move. At least you'll still be able to be on BZP (where you'll always have us all as friends :) ). A suggestion: Try to think on the bright side.

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Well, *bleep*, there go the chances of us ever meeting.


Hey, at least you've lived in Tennessee before, so it's not totally new, right?


And I totally understand the money situation. We're in a pretty tight spot right now ourselves, living off of social security and disability checks. That combined with illness has changed my plans for the future a lot, instead of going to a prestigious college and focusing only on my studies, I'm probably gonna end up doing online courses alongside a part-time job, probably moving to Michigan in the process (I've got an online friend up there who wants to start a business and needs help).

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I know what it feels like to be seperated from your friends. It's hard, but you can always keep in touch with them.


Just look on the bright side, you're moving to a place you like, less financial problems and an overall better life. :)

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I know what it feels like to be seperated from your friends. It's hard, but you can always keep in touch with them.


Just look on the bright side, you're moving to a place you like, less financial problems and an overall better life. :)


Yeah, and you make new friends! Besides, Sometimes friends don't last forever.


- DT

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Woah... well I guess that things are looking up for you.


I won't say don't worry about the whole "how am I gonna make new friends" issue, but don't fret about it. I know it'll be hard, but you can still keep in touch with your friends in Louisiana and you'll meet 1 or 2 people that you like almost right away after you move.


I'm sure this'll be for the best :happy: .


God bless, Lady K, I'll be praying for you and this situation.


- :t::l::h:

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Err, wow. If she didn't live five hours from where you may be moving to, I'd say go to visit every other week or something like that and talk via phone and IM...hrrm...well, I've kept in touch with a lot of my friends from when I lived in Oklahoma for five years via VoIP and them flying up every two months, you could try something like that. If you have a webcam, VoIP will even let you see their face, which is really nice when you miss someone. :)


Still, if you move before early/mid summer, when I come down to Memphis, if thats anywhere near where you'll be moving, I can meet you. ^^ I've convinced my parents to try and go to the Gibson factory, so that should work as a location. :)

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Trust me.


Been there. Might do it again less than a year later.

I've 'been there' so many times I can barely count. So yeah... =/


Think about what is ultimately best for your family, and try to lay aside any misgivings you may have. It's not easy, but it keeps your heart where it should be.

That’s what I did. The second my parents told me. With all the mess we're going through...if this will make it easier then yeah.


At least you aren't moving across the sea...

Ugh, I don't want to do that again. >< Exciting, but too far away...


I also hope your mom feels better no your mom WILL feel better. If you keep telling yourself that something will happen, then it will. Works for me.

Sadly, it’s something that is going to stick with her for a long time, so hopeful thinking is nice, but won’t solve the problem.


Well, *bleep*, there go the chances of us ever meeting.


Hey, at least you've lived in Tennessee before, so it's not totally new, right?


And I totally understand the money situation. We're in a pretty tight spot right now ourselves, living off of social security and disability checks. That combined with illness has changed my plans for the future a lot, instead of going to a prestigious college and focusing only on my studies, I'm probably gonna end up doing online courses alongside a part-time job, probably moving to Michigan in the process (I've got an online friend up there who wants to start a business and needs help).

*Sigh* Sorry...You know we could have met if it wasn’t for my parents. ;; But yeah, this is all just...life.


Still, if you move before early/mid summer, when I come down to Memphis, if thats anywhere near where you'll be moving, I can meet you. ^^ I've convinced my parents to try and go to the Gibson factory, so that should work as a location.

We're moving in April I think. And I don't think I'll be able to meet anyone...I've tried it twice with KIE and Tomiku. Parents did not like. =/ It would be nice though.

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Darn, thought it was just Tomiku...ah well, when I'm in the area, if there are any places that'd be an obvious candidate for two people who like Bionicle to meet like a lego store, I'll try to stop there.

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Y'know, you don't have to COMPLETELY say good-bye to your friends. You can still stay friends with them the way you're friends with us: online. I know it's not the same, but hopefully it could be close.


Best wishes on the move, Lady K! We'll be excited to hear how this all works out!

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I know what it feels like to be seperated from your friends. It's hard, but you can always keep in touch with them.


Just look on the bright side, you're moving to a place you like, less financial problems and an overall better life. :)


Yeah, and you make new friends! Besides, Sometimes friends don't last forever.


- DT

yes but they SHOULD last forever. and you can always keep in touch. I have a friend who lives on the other end of the country but that doesn't stop me from calling him all the time. you'll do fine Lady K.

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I know what it feels like to be seperated from your friends. It's hard, but you can always keep in touch with them.


Just look on the bright side, you're moving to a place you like, less financial problems and an overall better life. :)


Yeah, and you make new friends! Besides, Sometimes friends don't last forever.


- DT

yes but they SHOULD last forever. and you can always keep in touch. I have a friend who lives on the other end of the country but that doesn't stop me from calling him all the time. you'll do fine Lady K.


I did say SOMETIMES. :P I'm not saying she can't still communicate, but I am simply saying she probably won't have the same friends for her entire life.


- DT

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Lennon had Harrison, McCartney and Starr til' the end in 1980, and they met as kids in Liverpool. Harrison had McCartney and Starr til' his end in 2001. Thats literally a friend for a lifetime. ;)

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