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oh yeah exo where's the improvements on your generation

The graphics are not better

if anything they are worse


I liked the pre-EXO Systems better

plus your wifi is terrible

I've tried connecting to the internet with you, but it doesn't work often

you're overrated because of the games you have on you, but the system sucks


I like SpittyBox better

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Really? I thought it had better graphics.


But then again, what do I know? I'm a Nintendo die hard. :P



*fist clank*


Xbox 360=PHAIL. At least the PS3 has MGS4 on it.

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I'll give it a day before this turns into a flame-war.


"The (insert console here) is better than the (insert console here)! The (insert console here) phails1"

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Really? I thought it had better graphics.


But then again, what do I know? I'm a Nintendo die hard. :P



*fist clank*


Xbox 360=PHAIL. At least the PS3 has MGS4 on it.

Even though that's the only good exclusive game on it. But MGS$ is still good.

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Well, as an owner of both an original Xbox and a 360, I can tell you that the 360 has more power. :P


And it has nice games, like Mass Effect. (Yeah, I know it's out for the PC now. :P)


Part of the reason that I bought one was that the Wii isn't really my taste and the PS3 was just too expensive at the time.

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If a game is good, does that make its console good? personally I think the XBox 360 is like the X-Box 1.2, there's not very much new or really even improved, the most useless thing you can have in a game are pretty graphics.

Meanwhile the PS3 was a bit more improved, but Sony felt the need to throw in a bunch of other random junk and thus jack up the price.

I'm by no means saying the Wii is perfect, and I am a biased Nintendo fanboy, but the system really has quite a bit more to offer, with onyl downfalls (Besides lame 'the graphics suck' and 'Games shouldn't involve "excersise"" >.>) are things like the overprotective WiFi (Producers fault in most cases) and in general no games that can appeal to a less than casual audience, I don't mean lack of M rated games, but rather lack of games that you can't beat it 3 days, and really all systems suffer from this, but then the Wii throw in Classic and WiiWare games, online thats free, and a really cheap console realatviely speaking... well...

thats my fanboy rant for the week ^_^


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how about the fact that the only games that properly use the Wiimote are the minigames put out by Nintendo that are built specifically around the console?

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@Blog post's original point; Too true.


@Mobius: As a Wii owner, I have to disagree. There are plenty of good third-party games, and we're getting a great one in a week.



Now, to prevent a flame-war from getting Exo to close this, I'd like to take a moment to say;


Shut up, sit down and listen to a non-bias opinion.


Sorry about that, I needed to get your attentions. Now before people come in and say I'm bias because I have a Wii, I'm not; I like it because it's cheapest and I can't afford the others. Now, I've played all three as I have a Wii, my cousin has a 360 and my brother has a PS3.


The Wii is great because it's cheap and fun. Most of the good games are Nintendo's, but third-parties are beginning to work well with it. Plus it's getting a healthy stream of downloadable content via the shopping channel. That and it can also be used for news. And it's easily the healthiest of the systems. Plus Nintendo has plenty of excellent games for it if you want to make sure to get the most from it.


Yes, it's graphics are last-gen, but honestly, I'll take gameplay over graphics any day as long as the graphics are bearable. Just because it's not HD doesn't mean it's ugly.



The 360 is also good because it's been out the longest and therefore has a huge library, it's HD, also has franchises and it has easily removable memory. However it really is just an xBox with the risk of a red ring of death and upgraded graphics. The Elite even removed the colour difference.


Speaking of red ring of death, never once has my Wii fatally crashed. I'd say thats a lot better than worrying every time it's on that it'll die and have to be sent to Microsoft for repairs. Also, besides HD, it really didn't do anything innovative.



The PS3 is really down to opinion. As a gaming machine it's overpriced. As a blu-ray player it's okay. As a combo it's well-priced, but keep your PS2, the backwards-compatibility graphics look terrible. The cell processor should really be in a computer though. Also, House is really just Second Life on your PS3. And pretty much every good game for it is M, a problem for people under 17 like myself.



So, to me, it's a close race between the Wii and the 360 with the Wii on top due to price, with the PS3 as a wildcard. However much like the PS3, whats on top for you is really your opinion. If your light on cash like me, it's the Wii. An engaging game, also the Wii. Graphics, PS3. Watch movies, also PS3. Online, 360. Multiple games, 360. It really depends on what you want.

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it really depends on what you want.


to quote Yahtzee:


The Wii is an excitable little yappy [censored] good with children, but a little exhausting. The PS3 is a big, dependable black monster, slow, but lovingly bringing you your slippers every morning. And the 360 is a good all arounder that only occasionally [censored] itself and dies.
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I'm ignoring every other post on here except for the one right above mine and I'm going to say several jokes on this while I can:


Why do they call it the XBox 360?


Because when you see it you spin 360 degrees and start playing




Why do they call it the Wii?


Because when you see it you jump up and fall into a giant pit, and you scream wii...not in excitement though




Why do they call it the PS3?


Cause you have to crank it 3 times to get it going




Why do they call it the PSP?


Cause it's short for Playing Serious Pong




Why do they call it the DS?


Cause it's the Dark Side of handheld entertainment




What's the difference between the Xbox and the Xbox 360?






Why do they call it the Nintendo 64?


Because when you see it you whip out 64 bucks and buy it and every game in it's catalog




Now you may continue your war, here's some munitions:





Necro: PS3 sucks at movies. Only good thing about it is MGS4. ALso, if you want to play games online get a PC.

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it really depends on what you want.


to quote Yahtzee:


The Wii is an excitable little yappy [censored] good with children, but a little exhausting. The PS3 is a big, dependable black monster, slow, but lovingly bringing you your slippers every morning. And the 360 is a good all arounder that only occasionally often [censored] itself and dies.


Correct except for one word; occasionally. My cousin has sent his 360 in three times. A friend of mine who has a 360 has sent his in two.


@YJL: XD at most everything.


Fair enough on both.

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