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I'm Disgusted About The Mistika Bashing ...



The biggest thing that disgusts me here on BZPower and on other forums is the fact that many people irrationately bash the Mistika and there are very few people around here to keep that in check and argue against them.


To counter that, I am starting a club that anybody is welcome to join. Our goal will be to argue and defend the Mistika every time a BZPer bashes or states (if it's reasonable to argue against it).


That's all I have to say for now and I'll think of the details at some point.


Any questions? :)


Members Sign Up List:

  1. ~ShadowBolt~
  2. ~Sernakann~
  3. Bfahome
  4. -Rho-
  5. ♣Makuta's black heart♣
  6. rebooter6
  7. Midnighter
  8. matoran jala11
  9. Gravitic Ghost Rider
  10. The Last Tohunga
  11. -Evolution-
  12. Vamprah: Silent Hunter
  13. Slurpy
  14. Axalara
  15. Teragion
  16. Moi
  17. Janaro the skull reactor
  18. Commander Hothead
  19. TMNT: Half Shelled Heroes
  20. toa hordika tahu
  21. Yue Izumi
  22. Bite my shiny metal armor
  23. Tirade
  24. Toa Roman


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I will whole-heartedly agree. even though every year this happens, this time is way worse. anyway, the mistika arent that bad. sign me up.


~Comm Hothead

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I'm afraid I don't agree. I like the Mistika, but I don't think it's very fair to try to force people to agree with you. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, whether they hate or love the Mistika. :)

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I like the makuta and tahu, but the other toa? Nope. I don't like the bashing though, so sign me up.

~And that is all - The Skull reactor~

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Sing me up please! :lookhere:


I don't "love" the mistika I "like" the mistika, but bashing the mistika is just a stupid thing to do,


AND they don't deserve to be bashed.



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I shall pledge my alligence to the No Mistika Bashing Club! (A.k.a, can I pretty please be a member. I've got cookies!)

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I'm afraid I don't agree. I like the Mistika, but I don't think it's very fair to try to force people to agree with you. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, whether they hate or love the Mistika. :)

I'm not trying to "force people to not dislike the Mistika". I can understand why they wouldn't. However, I just want to stop the BASHING not "I don't like Gorast because her head is really too big for her body and how her claws are all different from each other".


You know what I mean? :)


Also, you guys are all signed up and I'll get the final information done and posted sometime today or tomorrow.



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I'm going to have to disagree. Any voice of discontent is ALWAYS met with ten voices telling them to hush. All complaints on anything TLG does with Bionicle end up that way. One complainer, a few who agree, and another fifty who are angry that someone doesn't like the current direction or designs.


How about we just accept that some people like the Mistika, and some people don't?


I'm afraid I don't agree. I like the Mistika, but I don't think it's very fair to try to force people to agree with you. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, whether they hate or love the Mistika. :)


All these people are voices of reason, especially Hydraxon Nuva. #1: What we saw were not the ultimately final designs. #2: Yes, they are good in some ways, and bad in others. I like them, but they aren't the best they could be. Doesn't mean I'm gonna make a topic and bash or bash bashing. Because, really, that's all this is, bashing bashing. #3: Yes some people get on my nerves, but what will this do? Start even more arguements. All in all, I won't join, but I will stick up for them when I feel apropriate. Please don't take this as being mean, just stating my two, five, etc. cents.

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I'm going to have to disagree. Any voice of discontent is ALWAYS met with ten voices telling them to hush. All complaints on anything TLG does with Bionicle end up that way. One complainer, a few who agree, and another fifty who are angry that someone doesn't like the current direction or designs.


How about we just accept that some people like the Mistika, and some people don't?


I'm afraid I don't agree. I like the Mistika, but I don't think it's very fair to try to force people to agree with you. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, whether they hate or love the Mistika. :)


All these people are voices of reason, especially Hydraxon Nuva. #1: What we saw were not the ultimately final designs. #2: Yes, they are good in some ways, and bad in others. I like them, but they aren't the best they could be. Doesn't mean I'm gonna make a topic and bash or bash bashing. Because, really, that's all this is, bashing bashing. #3: Yes some people get on my nerves, but what will this do? Start even more arguements. All in all, I won't join, but I will stick up for them when I feel apropriate. Please don't take this as being mean, just stating my two, five, etc. cents.


Point taken but please understand this. I am not trying to make people who don't like the Mistika "shut up" or "bash the bashing". When I get my "club" organized and everything, you'll see what I'm really trying to do. I'm trying to stop the Mistika bashing not people saying they don't like them. If you looked at my responses to these people, you might understand what I'm trying to do. :)


Also, I know exactly what you mean and I agree with you four in some cases but this isn't a club where we "bash the bashers". ;)




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I think the Mistika are really sweet, so can I join? I might make a picture of what everyonr wnts and then see if they still want to change the Mistika.

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Guest kopakanuva13


Totally sign me up. Although I don't favor their design or repetitiveness, it is beginning to bug me out seeing everyone making up false arguments and such just because they don't look like the 2002 Nuva :/

And the term that has been coined recently... "Mistake-a"... is total phail. Grow up <_<

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Sign me up! I also have the perfect comeback to the thing about no resemblence to the nuva: they didn't go nuts when the mahri didn't look anything like the inika!

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Whatever. Sign me up.


I like the fact that people are expressing their opinions, but I want someone to combat it. Not the opinions, but the flame and SPAM.


Bio BioGio Gio

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Totally sign me up. Although I don't favor their design or repetitiveness, it is beginning to bug me out seeing everyone making up false arguments and such just because they don't look like the 2002 Nuva :/

And the term that has been coined recently... "Mistake-a"... is total phail. Grow up <_<


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