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Drive Or Fly?

Spoony Bard


So Brickfair is coming up in August (2 months away), and right now my way of travel is bugging me. Usually I fly down to these things, but that is because I was travelling by myself.


So I live in Massachusetts. Brickfair is in VA, just outside DC.


If I drove:


- Approx. 8 hour drive

- 200 bucks-ish for gas and tolls roundtrip.

- Seriously long drive


If I flew:


- Like an hour. Not even.

- 250 bucks-ish each for tickets roundtrip (had to get right time)


The way I am seeing it, driving is the cheapest route, although flying is the quickest route.




I have the booked the tickets already in case I wimp out driving.


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I didn't know you were still thinking about this. You know I'll pitch in for gas if we drive. Also, even though expensive/long, the trip would be more interesting than flying. I don't drive a hard argument, you already know my opinion.

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Guest Cap'n Bionicle


Just think, what would *insert religious icon here* do?
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Yeah, driving's probably cheaper, but it'll be incredibly boring if you drive the eight hours straight. How many people are you going with? If you're going alone then I'd say fly (even if it is ~$50 more) just for the sake of your sanity. If you go with, like, two or three people, I'd suggest driving, because you'd have people to communicate with and such.

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I didn't know you were still thinking about this. You know I'll pitch in for gas if we drive. Also, even though expensive/long, the trip would be more interesting than flying. I don't drive a hard argument, you already know my opinion.

Thought actually came to my head when I was driving to work. I am willing to drive. :D


I will give it more thinking before deciding by the end of the week. I am leaning towards driving, cuz then I can take more with me and I wouldn't have to worry about my MOCs being destroyed.

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I didn't know you were still thinking about this. You know I'll pitch in for gas if we drive. Also, even though expensive/long, the trip would be more interesting than flying. I don't drive a hard argument, you already know my opinion.

Thought actually came to my head when I was driving to work. I am willing to drive. :D


I will give it more thinking before deciding by the end of the week. I am leaning towards driving, cuz then I can take more with me and I wouldn't have to worry about my MOCs being destroyed.

And you can't exactly blare music on a plane. :P

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I wouldn't have to worry about my MOCs being destroyed.


I think that is what got me so surprised when you became adamant about flying down. You had mentioned that before and it made sense to me. I'd rather drive, but it doesn't really matter either way what you choose.

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I think you should Fly.


Just because it's a lot easier than driving.


Then again, 50 bucks is a lot...


I dunno. If Meaghan is willing to pitch in for the gas, why not the tickets? You'll get time to talk, or read a book, or summat, instead of driving for eight hours.


It's really up to you .



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At first I thought this entry was Transformers related.


I would fly, if it were me. But....


I wouldn't have to worry about my MOCs being destroyed.


...this is a good reason to drive.

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I would altogether prefer driving; it's better for the MOCs, and it should be at least a little cheaper. Besides, even though flying seems faster, there's delays and cancellations to factor in.



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Drive. 8 hours isn't that long, it's cheaper, and like you said, you'll have better control over treatment of MOCs.

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It ultimately comes down to:


Do you wanna risk sleeping on the road...


or being late due to surprise security checks, flight delays and baggage lossage?


Either way, you've got a bad day.


I'd suggest driving, though. Probably easier. -Swert

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If Meaghan/magpi is going with you i would say drive, if one of you gets tired of driving on your long trip you can just switch drivers.


edit-sorry i just noticed that i copied what CF said >_>

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Anyway, I'm sure you've made up your mind by now, and I hope it's driving, IMO. It'll only take a day, you and Magpi can take shifts, your MOCs are safer, and it's cheaper.

Since Public transportation is easy access for her, she doesn't have her license. :(


So all the driving for me. :P



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Someone just had to beat me to it...


Take it from a guy that lives in the same state.


(its in NYC, right?)




You got the cash, the girl, and a forum willing to make you an 8 hour playlist of songs.




And if you don't, you'll have to deal with my sister on the return flight. And she's more stubborn than I am, and you know how I can get stubborn.



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Well, I've flown a lot in my life and just recently did it by myself around Feb going from LA to MI. It was completely stress free for me (omg i'm serious!!), and it was nice to get there in less than 5 hours.


I'm so used to driving 8+ hours every few months or so, so I'm used to it. It isn't so bad, as long as you have some good company and don't get lost on the way. But gas is so insane don't be surprised if gas jumps up a lot by August and the price for stuff may cost more than you think. :/


I think whatever you choose would be fine, just you may want to be wary about gas/stuff prices.

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