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This And That ...



Nothing too earth-shaking, just bits of news --


-- Probably the one of most import to you guys will be something I did yesterday -- the first ever official map of the BIONICLE universe. I sketched it out for a Polish BIONICLE guidebook set to come out this fall, and it will now be redrawn by some people who can actually draw :) So if there are Eastern European BIONICLE fans on here, expect to see some scans of it later this year.


-- Busy month just past, getting that book done for some very wonderful publishing folks over there, and a busy one coming up -- a library event, my birthday, Comic-Con, and closing on a new house. Then the big move, but hopefully by September things will calm down ... just in time for me to head to Denmark for a 2010 BIONICLE story meeting.


-- Spoke to Scholastic last week -- they are hopeful that the movie in 2009 will boost book sales. Meanwhile, sales are going okay in Germany and France and very well in Russia, as I understand it. Certainly the '03 movie did a lot for 2004 book sales -- I think BA #1 is still the best-selling book in the series.




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So we finally get to see it. So how does yours look, like just circles for domes and rough sketches and then made into something like you'd find in the guidebooks? Like the Atlas.


So you found a house then?


I'd have guessed it was more like BA10 that sold best.

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A map of the Bionicle world? Tight. Sounds fun. So this was the "Emergency EU" project then? Fun fun. I'm looking forward to that.


It sounds like you got a house, so congratulations, and best of luck to you guys ^^.

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Ooh, I'd really like to see the map. Do you know if that Polish guidebook may be imported to America and translated to English?

Oh, and (I know it's early), but happy birthday! :)

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We missed Greg's birthday, guys! :o


We should have made him a Hau Olda cake. :P


Oh, and universe map? YES. Count me in.





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Yay! I'm a sucker when it comes to maps. I love them! If I were a matoran, I'd be a cartographer.


-Posted from my iPhone

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We missed Greg's birthday, guys! :o


We should have made him a Hau Olda cake. :P


Oh, and universe map? YES. Count me in.






No, he's reffering to an upcoming birthday. Comic Con hasn't happened yet, or has it? Actually, I'm not sure, but I'm sure we'd have heard something from Greg had it, and as such, it would make sense his birthday hasn't hapened yet.

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The map sounds awesome, especially considering I have no clue as to where any islands are located in relation to eachother except for Mata and Metru Nui.

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I'm from Poland! Though I may have a problem with buying that book - my parents think that I'm too old for Bionicle. In fact I haven't bought a Set after spring 2007... Greg, do you know how much the book will cost? I'm going to start saving...

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I'm from Poland! Though I may have a problem with buying that book - my parents think that I'm too old for Bionicle. In fact I haven't bought a Set after spring 2007... Greg, do you know how much the book will cost? I'm going to start saving...

Bzpower wishes you luck.

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"Nothing too earth-shaking?" YOU LIAR!!! (just kidding)

This is so AWESOME!!

Even though I don't live in poland and I can't read Polish.....



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The map sounds good.


Happy B-Day, later.


Good luck with the story team in Denmark. I hope it works out.


I really hope book sells increase, I like the books.


Hope everything works out with the move.

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And here I thought eastern Europe was ignored.


Well, the polish fanbase is growing with each day, and we're slowly becoming organised...

Still, I'm suprised.


From the look of shop shelves and the general trends of kids here, I guess Bionicle has had it's better days... Thought it may just be that it's more... Stable?


I wonder who was the initiator of this project... It'd be cool if it was our publishers this time.



Yes, I'm Polish.

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