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A Message From Within...

Takuma Nuva


Welcome to Area 51.


Finally breaking free from the confines of dial-up internet, I, Takuma Nuva have taken advantage of the fact by purchasing lifetime premier membership so that I may start a blog.


So, let's get on with it, shall we?


Some of you may be curious as to my choice of Blog title. Others will most likely assume I just thought it sounded cool and mysterious. Not so. I spent much time debating a proper title for my blog without finding something I truly liked. Some of such ideas included "Steak Boy's Refrigerator", "Ice Cold SoBe", "The Vurra-Nui Information Center", and many others. The idea for the name "Area 51" came to me only just recently. Last month, I spent a weekend attending a "YAG" (Young Adults Get-together) in which all the single adults age 18-35 from the various Churches in our parish across the country got together for a weekend. Skipping ahead to the end of this "YAG", my mother invited several of our friends from Montana (who had been attending the YAG) over to the house for a Barbecue. Although these friends were as 100% genuine cowboy as you can get, that didn't keep them from getting a GPS for their vehicle. They couldn't remember the way to our house (it'd been at least a year since their last visit) so I supplied them with our home address, knowing it may not work. Lo' and behold, I was right. When we moved to our new house a few years back, we had relocated to a newly built house in a new-development area (even though buying a brand-new house wasn't originally a specification in our search criteria). Even though we've lived in our current house a good four or five years (I can't remember exactly), our area still manages to remain unknown. Our address will not show up on any GPS or map yet to my knowledge. So, after giving them a new address for the nearby Culver's restaurant, we talked them through the rest of the directions until they reached our house. Days later, this event returned to my mind while I was trying to think of a blog name. A non-existent location sounded like it could make for an interesting blog name, but what would the exact title be? That's when I recalled my camping trip from just two weeks earlier when I was sitting around a campfire with a cousin, our uncle, and a good friend or ours. As we gazed up at a sky so filled with stars it seemed impossible, we talked about a good many things. One such topic we discussed was Area 51, that super-top-secret government in Nevada. It only seemed logical that a blog named after a secret place be entitled "Area 51".


But now that I've got a name for this blog, what shall I put in it to make it interesting enough that BZPower's population will keep coming back for more? I include a brief list of entries that I plan to publish:


Every week or two, an entry dedicated solely to strange but true facts for you to enjoy.

An entry where you may make suggestions for "Steak Boy Buys A ___" comedies (as well as others) for me to write.

Brain teasers for those that enjoy exercising the brain.

A blog exclusive comedy involving my TNToran character: Bombay. (Somewhat resembling the many cliché "Ask Comedies" that can be found in plenty in the comedies forum)

Every month an entry dedicated to a member from my friends list; how I met them, why I like them, etcetera.

An entry showing what I had already finished of a comedy I ended up canceling and never posting: Need For Speed - Proto.


And these are just for starters. You can be sure that other entries will be made when I find something interesting enough to post.



So, what do you think? Please leave feedback on what you think of what I've said. Feel free to make suggestions for what I might add to my blog that you'd find interesting.




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Welcome to the blogging neighborhood, Takuma! Maybe you should have a entry written by Steak Boy every week or something.


*favorites blog*

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*Was beaten to welcoming Takuma Nuva to the Wonderful World of Blogging.*


Your planned entries sound great! I wish I could say which I'm looking forward to most, but then I'd have to name all of them.


It's always so interesting, the things you find inspiring... dishes, vacuuming, GPS...





P.S. Does this mean I'm currently inside the secret government base? :o

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Huh. I never noticed.


Anyways, this blog looks interesting! I wish I could fork up 35 USD to go Premier for life. Either way, good luck with this thing! Hope it does better than mine. :P

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*Was beaten to welcoming Takuma Nuva to the Wonderful World of Blogging.*


I know how you feel.(I wish I hadn' fallen asleep :P )

[although I feel like i'm gonna collapse any minute so I take it back]




comedy staring Bombay. Sounds like a great comedy!

Brain Teasers... I'll read those in the afternoons!(When I'm my most awake)


looks like I'll be coming back again and again!



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Of course I'm the fifth person to comment. *Sigh*


Well thats an interesting name origin. So you live in an unknown area? Darn. It'll be tough to track you and rob you in the night...


Hey! You stole some of my ideas! Anyway, since you're planning on doing that much stuff, something tells me this is going to be an active blog.


Ok. Thats all I got. So, should we expect aliens soon?

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I hope you enjoy the wonderous world of the blogs! The planned entries sound great. I already have a Steak Boy Buys a _____ idea!





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I have a Steak Boy Buys a ____ idea! I just have to wait. And for some random reason I decided to search for your blog in the blogs section, because I knew you went Premier.

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