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Some of you may have read that BZP member Nuhrii the Metruan made some suggestions regarding the name of the Mangai/Mangaia which I really liked and told him could be official.


Ever since, I am getting buried in PMs from other people trying to find other uses for existing names or "explain" other storyline things, in hopes of getting to say they came up with something official too.


I appreciate the enthusiasm, but I really don't have the time for this. Having to go through these suggestion PMs is taking time away from answering questions, not to mention working on 2009 story bible and 2010 story summary. Everything in BIONICLE does not need an extensive explanation and every term does not need to be used multiple times -- and even if they did, I have no room to work any of it into story at this late date.


So while I praise you for your imagination, I need you guys to cool it. I'm not soliciting suggestions for this stuff right now and I don't really have time to evaluate them fairly.




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This was to be expected. Well, hopefully once all of this cools down there will be time and room to accept at least a couple more worthy suggestions.
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Ditto. Actually taking your time and waiting is more likely to get your suggestion approved then sending it in while other people are doing so is more effective.

So GregF, do you regret approving Nuhrii's theory or not? :P

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Yeah, after some hours I noticed what was going on (after some members brought it to my attention, so thanks) and added just what Greg said to the opening post in my topic and to the BS01 Expanded Universe page. Sad to see that many members didn't listen.


And I hope he doesn't regret it.



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No, I don't regret it at all.


Nuhrii's suggestion kind of reminded me of the old "No-Prize" thing Marvel used to do decades ago. They challenged their readers -- instead of complaining about mistakes in comics, they asked the readers to come up with reasons why the things they noted WEREN'T mistakes.


In this case, the connection between Mangaia and Mangai was not an error on our part, but it was something that begged for an explanation, and I thought Nuhrii came up with a very plausible and artful one.


And it's true that when I get these things not in an avalanche, and have time to read them and consider them, sometimes I can say, "Hey, makes sense, let's do it." But when I get 15 of them in a day, it gets to be a little much -- it stops being someone wanting to just help explain something away and becomes about just wanting to be able to say you added something to the universe. Both are legit reasons to do this, but I prefer the former to the latter.



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Everything in BIONICLE does not need an extensive explanation and every term does not need to be used multiple times -- and even if they did, I have no room to work any of it into story at this late date.


Wow... you've just elevated yourself a bit in my eyes.

This way of thinking is so far ahead of the junk that goes on in the Star Wars franchise, where EVERY character has to be connected to EVERY other character, as opposed to it just being a cool meeting of like minds on Tatooine in the first movie.


Some of you may have read that BZP member Nuhrii the Metruan made some suggestions regarding the name of the Mangai/Mangaia which I really liked and told him could be official.


Mangai / Mangaia. Well, aside from sounding way too much like "Gaia" it also sounds way too much like "Manga".

It'd be like taking american comics and adding it to terra to make "Comicterra".


Scratch that, the word manga getting better exposure probably isn't a bad thing.


A heck, just call the place Manga and leave it at that lol.



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I agree Greg;

some things in Bionicle can be exactly like the English language. (I speak it from birth and I still don't understand it all)

have such poor definition and multiple uses that there isn't a metaphor able to describe it ever!


Don't we all like a bit of mystery?


Edit: if you ever want something interesting that is foren to americans. Just find something (nonstariotype) Canadian. they will never see it coming :P



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Some of those things are cool, but agreed, I always thought extensive explanations of every minute detail was a little silly.
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I had a feeling this would happen. I commend Nuhrii for actually having the brains to think of this before anyone else. He may not have been the first to have anything officially added to the storyline, but he was the first to think of just plain going out and asking.

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That must be getting annoying, I've been in the OGD topic, and the suggestions last for numerous pages... XD It's insane... :D

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Well, as much as I like to see things explained in the story, I can really agree with you here.


For one, if all pieces of the puzzle are fitted together, then fans don't have any room to try to make their own imaginary pieces.


I'm glad that many members are exstatic about getting their ideas cannonized, but really.


Without any mystery in the story, that leaves less of a workspace for Epics or MoCs or anything creative.


I mean, I think that the Hagah and the Mangai are the main two Toa teams who are MoCed or Epiced or Short Storied about on BZP.


With Kualus, he'll make an appearance in my Epic as a Ko-Matoran who resides on Thārlax Påzil, a peninsula that is dominated by only avian Rahi.


If all the origins of the Hagah were explained, I couldn't do this.


So I applaud Greg, in the name of creativity.



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Did you know, when superiors tell people not to do something, they will go ahead and do it anyway? I could've sworn Nuhrii the Metruan said to not PM Greg a bunch of suggestions...yet the majority of BZPower is blatantly illiterate, due to them not noticing that....


And yeah, how do people think up this stuff? It's hitting 'Random Page' on BS01 twice and trying to link the two pages together.

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Honestly I think your new sig sums it up pretty well,

"What a boring world it would be if we had answers for all our questions." -- Thomas Raith
That really seems to just say it all. Nuhrii's ideas are pretty cool, and it is great that he was able to effect the Bionicle world, but if the reason behind every word was known we would soon lose the feel of mysticism that permeates this great world like water through a sponge. A few things like this are awesome but I personally think we have enough for now.
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Did you know, when superiors tell people not to do something, they will go ahead and do it anyway? I could've sworn Nuhrii the Metruan said to not PM Greg a bunch of suggestions...yet the majority of BZPower is blatantly illiterate, due to them not noticing that....


And yeah, how do people think up this stuff? It's hitting 'Random Page' on BS01 twice and trying to link the two pages together.


:lol: Indeed, some ideas are really just random stuff no one needs.

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