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Senior Year Approaches

ToM Dracone




... Sméag has clearly corrupted me.


Ahem. Anyway. This is the beginning of my last week of freedom. Summer went by way too fast. I thought I'd have a full month when I got back from travelling, but no, it was only two weeks, and they're almost over... As always, I didn't get half the things done that I wanted to this summer. But I did get done much more than in past years, and that makes me happy. And I spent lots of time with my friends before they went off to college, and that makes me happy too. ^^


School starts again this Thursday. I'm not looking forward to it, though I won't mind seeing my friends from my own grade again and taking Latin and Greek with Dr. Jones once more... But the main reason is that this year is going to be very busy. AP US history alone would do that, but I also have to edit the Yearbook, and that takes up a ton of time. Plus the fact that summer will be over. And all of my best friends will be gone. Fortunately, though, I have a few free periods, which give me time to work on the Yearbook...


Since this seems to be a tradition of sorts, I might as well post my schedule:


1st: AP Latin (Catullus and Horace, though we're probably doing Ovid because Horace is boring)

2nd: AP US History

3rd: Greek II (certain days of the cycle)

4th: AP English Literature

5th: AP Calculus BC

6th: free

7th: Lunch

8th: Intermediate Drawing

9th: free


Mind, Drawing is only half a year, so I may have both 6th and 8th free in the Spring, depending on whether I take Environmental Science then and when it is...


*goes off to continue wading through the Tocqueville (that book I quoted below), but has at least found some topics for his essay*

~ ToM


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Environmental Science is a fun class to take, I recommend it.


Ah, the impending senior year. Started college searching yet? I'm in the middle of that now ^^;

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Guest The Captain


Dude, you have some seriously cool classes. I wish I had Latin. I'm stuck with Spanish. :(
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A week? I only have two days before I have to get back. And none of my classes are going to be even remotely fun.

Two days? I have negative 5 days before I have to get back :P


Anyway, your schedule looks totally awesome ToM! I wish I could take all those classes ^_^.


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A week? I only have two days before I have to get back. And none of my classes are going to be even remotely fun.

Two days? I have negative 5 days before I have to get back :P


Anyway, your schedule looks totally awesome ToM! I wish I could take all those classes ^_^.


*negative three*



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*negative three*




Ha! I have -214 days before I have to start school again :P

Those sound like good classes, I wish I could take some of those!


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Couldn't you just leave early because of your free period? My school wouldn't allow it, but I may have left early )if I could have) some days because my schedule had lunch and then study hall the last two periods and I just wanted to go home.
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For the record, even being involved in several extracurricular activities, my Senior year in high school was by far the best, as most generations before me have said. It was great fun.


Sounds like an interesting bunch of classes. Make sure to have fun this year! :)

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Catullus and Horace...eh, I got Vergil. And may I say...By the beard of Zeus, the Aeneid is hard to translate. especially when you have to do it completely literally.


You lucked out with the whole drawing thing. My school's so big, that there was no way for me to take the art classes I wanted. (Painting 1 first semester, Painting 2 second semester.) And by big, I mean about 4,000 students big. My school is bigger than some colleges.


What's it like learning Greek, by the way? There's a college I found that offers greek, and its one I really would like to go to.


Wait a sec, you have nine periods? What time do you start school in the mornings, and how long is each one?


Then again, the seven minute passing periods needed to get from one end of school to the other might explain why I only have 8.

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No, unfortunately, I can't leave early... actually, now that I think about it, I'm not sure. I know we weren't allowed to leave last year, but Seniors have a lot more privileges than Juniors. At any rate, I'll be needing those extra free periods to work on the yearbook. :P


Dorek ~ Yeah, I'm at about the same stage. I've visited most of the ones I'm interested in; now I have to start working on applications...


Tempus ~ I did Vergil last year... yes, the Aeneid gets excruciatingly annoying at times. But then there are passages that are so simple you just fly through them, so it balances out...


On drawing, the class (both periods of it!) was actually full, but since I know the art teacher well, she said I could just come down some other period and draw whatever the class was doing, which I'm quite grateful for...


Greek? I love it, and since I know Latin the grammar is extremely simple, since the two behave almost the same grammatically. And the class was just my teacher, my best friend, and I last year (we did it as an independent study), so that was awesome, and this year it's just the two of us since the other person was a grade ahead of me...


We start at... 8:20, and each period is forty minutes long. And yeah, it's a small school, so there are only three minutes between classes.

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