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Library Event Reminder



Just a reminder that I will be doing another library event this month. Here are the details:


Saturday, October 18th

11:00 AM

Fairchild-Nichols Memorial Library

1718 Huntington Turnpike

Trumbull, CT 06611

(203) 452-5196


As a special treat for those attending, I am bringing a copy of the Mata Nui LEGO BrickMaster poster for them to see as a sneak preview.


If you want to attend, you need to call the library to register -- registration is limited to 40 people, so don't wait!





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Greg spoiled a TFB scene for us at the first event. He can't just say that you can't take pictures if he shows it to you. In fact, I have a feeling that it is the prize for the trivia contest. Greg told me after the event in BZP that I was free to tell anyone I wanted. If you tell someone something, or show someone something, you can't expect them to keep it to themselves, it's just crazy. The only time you can tell someone not to spoil/record something is if it was under FBI protection like a movie. Since it's just a poster, Greg can't say anything, nor is Greg the kind of person that would do that (I've met him, remember :) )



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I won't be able to go. :(


Would pictures of the Mata Nui poster be allowed on BZP?


Man, I sure hope so. I can not come for two reasons: :(

1. I live in California

2. I have a Karate rank test on the eighteenth.


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Do you honestly think Greg's gonna let you take pictures...?



Da answer!


1.At the library event, (the one where you're showing the MN poster) is anybody allowed to take pictures of the poster?

I understand if nobody can :)

1) I have no problem with that, but the picture is quite big -- it's at least a few feet long -- so I am not sure how good of a picture you will be able to take of it.


There's your answer.

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Thanks Mezzilak!


Hopefully we can get a picture big enough to at least give us a general idea of what he looks like...

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Bad news, I can't go to the event, I have to go on a dumb camping trip. With my luck, someone will go, but be afraid to give pictures due to the spoiler policy. I might find a way to go, who knows...

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Bad news, I can't go to the event, I have to go on a dumb camping trip. With my luck, someone will go, but be afraid to give pictures due to the spoiler policy. I might find a way to go, who knows...


That stinks but........I AM GOING! YAY!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to go and meet Mr. Farshtey! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:



...Ok spaz attack over. But i do have my friends B-Day at that day but it is at 5:00 P.M and it is a hockey game! Well I cannot wait to go i just registered


GDoD (Aka Josh)




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I don't have a big issue with picture-taking, but I tend to doubt you will be able to get a very good picture. The poster is about a foot or a foot and a half across, and probably three or four feet long. So to get the whole thing into a pic, you are going to have to stand pretty far back, and you will lose the detail of the image.



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I don't have a big issue with picture-taking, but I tend to doubt you will be able to get a very good picture. The poster is about a foot or a foot and a half across, and probably three or four feet long. So to get the whole thing into a pic, you are going to have to stand pretty far back, and you will lose the detail of the image.




oh but don't worry i will goe and take a picture of each segment....or not but i will try guys (and gals) don't worry



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Too bad they don't sell them in the UK.


No, scrap that- I wouldn't like it if they sold guns here... but that's off topic.


I really want to see Mata Nui! A mere glimpse would be enough... I'm completely interested.


-Freeze :flaguk:

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It is 7:30ish A.M i am ,leaving in a sec or at 8 o clock. It's a two hour drive from Leominster to Trumbull, so i will make it right in time. well can't wait to go.



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It is 7:30ish A.M i am ,leaving in a sec or at 8 o clock. It's a two hour drive from Leominster to Trumbull, so i will make it right in time. well can't wait to go.




Enjoy it, and remember to take some pics! :D

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Yeah, there was a topic, but the Man doesn't want us with it, and deleted it. No pictures were there though, just a lot of information.

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Yeah, there was a topic, but the Man doesn't want us with it, and deleted it. No pictures were there though, just a lot of information.



ok if you want it you got it! PA180278.jpg PA180279.jpg


Take this The man!




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