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Survey 2



Okay, so checked the results and it looks like everything's staying the way it is. :lol:


Onto the next round of questions!


1) What are members?


(Go wild on this one, but here's an idea to get you started; let me know whether or not you like it.)


Hapori Tohu – Great Spirit

Admins – Makuta (Good Makuta that haven't banished their light and don't plan to take over the world)

Global Moderators – Adaptive Armour Toa Nuva

Forum Leaders – Toa Nuva

Forum Assistants – Regular Toa

----- (Above this line, members get a Suva, below it they do not) -----

Forum Mentors – Regular Toa

News Reporters – Toa Hagah

Reference Team – Toa Inika

Blog Assistants – Toa Mahri

OBZPCs – Copper Mask wearing Matoran

Members – Matoran

Emeritus Staff – Turaga


2) How does BIONICLESector01 work?

a- It's located in the spot on Affili Island.

b- Separate island on a different map.

c- Not part of the canon.

d- Other.


3) How does BIONICLE.com work?

a- Separate island on a different map.

b- Not part of the canon.

c- Other.


4) Is there anything else that you can think of that has not been mentioned?



P.S. In defence of regular members being Matoran since some of you might find that a bit lame, might I remind you that the Voya Nui resistance nearly kicked the Toa Nuva's butts. ;)


Recommended Comments

1.Hapori Tohu – Great Spirit-Good

Admins – Makuta (Good Makuta that haven't banished their light and don't plan to take over the world)-No. OOMN member, maybe?

Global Moderators – Adaptive Armour Toa Nuva-Good

Forum Leaders – Toa Nuva-No, this should be Toa Hagah.

Forum Assistants – Regular Toa-Good.

----- (Above this line, members get a Suva, below it they do not) -----No, all staff should get one.

Forum Mentors – Regular Toa-No. They aren't at the same level as FAs. Maybe Novice Toa?

News Reporters – Toa Hagah-No. They are all staff (as I know), so why be two things at once?

Reference Team – Toa Inika-Good.

Blog Assistants – Toa Mahri-OK.

OBZPCs – Copper Mask wearing Matoran-Good.

Members – Matoran-Good.

Emeritus Staff – Turaga-Good.


There should be, though:


Premier Members - Gold- or silver-striped matoran, or whatever the member is.


The other answers will be up...


EDIT: Now.


2) How does BIONICLESector01 work?

a- It's located in the spot on Affili Island.

b- Separate island on a different map.

c- Not part of the canon.

d- Other.-Should be the top small dot, if you know what I mean.


3) How does BIONICLE.com work?

a- Separate island on a different map.

b- Not part of the canon.

c- Other.-Should be the bottom one.


4) Is there anything else that you can think of that has not been mentioned?





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1) Sounds good to me, although OoMN member rather than Makuta, perhaps...and if you wanted, Banned Members are Dark Hunters or something...but I think that's a bit risque. For the issue of Premier Membership, as I sorta touched on before, it can apply to the rent on the accomodation. :P

2) Seperate island on different map. There's alot of scope for that island too if you wanted to do that.

3) Not part of canon. Not (or barely) part of us, shouldn't be part of this.

4) Nups.



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1. Sounds good. Which staff member is which Toa is the part that sounds interesting.

So when you say Toa Nuva, you mean Toa that fell in EP, and Toa Inika as Toa that have the same attributes as Inika and so on? :???:


2. Seperate island. Hey, it's a seperate site. :P


3. I think it should sort of be like a mythical island. Sort of like how the Matoran saw Artakha as. :shrugs:


4. What about post counts and proto? :???:

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1. Sounds good. Which staff member is which Toa is the part that sounds interesting.

So when you say Toa Nuva, you mean Toa that fell in EP, and Toa Inika as Toa that have the same attributes as Inika and so on? :???:


3. I think it should sort of be like a mythical island. Sort of like how the Matoran saw Artakha as. :shrugs:


4. What about post counts and proto? :???:

1) Precisely.


3) I like it, but how would you explain our constant trips there in search of updates? :P


4) Good point, good point.

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Okay, my thoughts...


1) I like most of this. There are a couple things I would mention though. I'm on the fence about the Makuta idea, could go either way with me. I guess what I'm saying is that it works, but I think something else would be better. Not the OoMN, but maybe something on a sort of Karzahni/Artakha level. Then after that, instead of having two different groups of "regular Toa", make Global Moderators OoMN members, and then knock the two Toa Nuva types down a level. I'm not sure where the reasoning lies for the Hagah/Inika/Mahri to their relative staff positions, but I'm sure you have your reasons. Also an idea, what if the Forum Mentors were Toa Mangaia (sp?)?


I think that there should be more categories for the merely members level. The copper mask is a good idea for OBZPCs. Although such a thing might sound more fitting for a news reporter, that's already on the level of Toa, so I'm thinking maybe premier members could be . . . . chroniclers? Obviously, all banned members are thrown into The Pit forever. Trusted traders, well, self-evident. I can't think of any other basic member types...


2) How does it work? Very carefully. :P


Okay, so seriously now. I think it should be a totally different island. It only makes sense to me since it's a different site completely.


3) I don't think BIONICLE.com fits in at all personally. That website is too "official" to feel right in this whole thing in my opinion.


4) Regarding post counts, I think it should basically reflect how much work the individual does. Sounds simple, yet brilliant in my eyes. As far as proto boosts, that's a tough one. Mostly because of how many things it ties into. Once the bar is full, that's when the copper mask is awarded, so it has to have something to do with that. Also, these proto boosts are "gifts" from the staff, be they Makuta, Toa, or otherwise. So basically, we're looking at some sort of gift that can be both given and taken away which in good works will eventually lead to a copper mask. And obviously, this should all have something relative to actual protodermis, which makes it even harder.


Speculation: What if these proto bars somehow reflected the physical appearance of the Matoran denizen? Speaking in terms of if there was only five proto levels (full, three-quarter, half, one-quarter, and empty), an empty bar would be a poorly Matoran such as one altered by Karzahni, one-quarter would be a Mahri-Toran since they're basically the same just a little more capable, half would be a McToran, three-quarter would a MolToran (much as I hate that term :P), and full would be a Matoran at peak design, or Metruan. If I got something in the wrong order, please, somebody correct me. :P


There's nothing special about Artakha Matoran, right?


That's all I can think of for now...


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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1) What are members?


(Go wild on this one, but here's an idea to get you started; let me know whether or not you like it.)


Hapori Tohu – Great Spirit


I always thought it would be most like the real site if everybody could choose what they where on an individual basis.



2) How does BIONICLESector01 work?

b- Separate island on a different map.


3) How does BIONICLE.com work?

a- Separate island on a different map.


The way I see it differant sites are like differant nations.

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3) I like it, but how would you explain our constant trips there in search of updates?
*Crosses out idea*

How about some sort of archeological where BZPers are mining under some ruins for more info and stuff? :P


Mostly because of how many things it ties into. Once the bar is full, that's when the copper mask is awarded, so it has to have something to do with that.
Aha! You know how Copper Masks are given to champions on Mata Nui? Well, how about the higher your proto, the more games you have won, or the better your reputation or respect is? That's kind of how it is on BZP. :P


SPIRIT, you're a Forum Assistant and a Reference Keeper. What kind of Toa would you be then? :P

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SPIRIT, you're a Forum Assistant and a Reference Keeper. What kind of Toa would you be then? :P

I'd be a regular level Toa with a Suva and lightning laced in with his elemental powers; a regular RK would be like me, only minus the Suva.

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Here's an idea: For Bionicle.com and BS01, there might be either a transporter of some kind to go there directly, or a comminucator of some sort to share info. These could be marked with a dot on the map.


The BS01 one would obviously go in the BS01 section, with possibly a smaller version in S&T due to it's use. The Bionicle.com one could probably go in either General Discussion or BZP News.


Just a thought. :)

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Here's an idea: For Bionicle.com and BS01, there might be either a transporter of some kind to go there directly, or a comminucator of some sort to share info. These could be marked with a dot on the map.


The BS01 one would obviously go in the BS01 section, with possibly a smaller version in S&T due to it's use. The Bionicle.com one could probably go in either General Discussion or BZP News.


Just a thought. :)

Well I assumed we would have a Chute System and that we could use is travel to the different islands of BZ-Nui nistead of just having a Chute System on the every island in BZ-Nui so couldn't we just have Underwater Chutes to Bionicle.com and BS01?

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1) What are members?


I don't like only staff being Toa for a couple of reasons. For starters, everybody would want to be a Toa in BZ-Nui, but restricting Toa to staff would make it unlikely for you to be ever able to become a Toa. Also, Toa are the do-gooder heroes who save the world from evil, while the Turaga (and Vahki :P) are the ones that keep order around the universe, which is the staff's job.


With your proposed system, where members are assigned a species based on their BZP status, it leaves out possibilities for members to be other things that they might want to be like Skakdi, Xians, Rahkshi (which are good) or even Rahi. I think that members should be able to choose a default "race" to be, and then become more powerful based on their achievements in BZP and BZ-Nui. For example, a member would choose to play in BZ-Nui as a matoran, and then they could eventually become a Toa through their work in BZ-Nui.


The staff should also be able to choose who they start as, although they should be able to start further up in the races, like they could start as a Toa or a Turaga as opposed to a Matoran. Staff should simply start BZ-Nui in positions of power, with jobs of leadership reserved for them, but the type of character that they are in the game shouldn't be reserved exclusively for them. Some exceptions to this where only staff can be the race would include races like the Makuta, because it makes sense to have limited numbers of non-newbish people for certain beings.


OBZPCs and Premiers should have some starting bonuses like more money or better possessions and a slightly higher status than normal members, but otherwise they should be on fairly equal levels with everyone else.


Finally, although BZ-Nui is a BIONICLE fan universe, it shouldn't need to stick to/recreate the storyline events of the official universe, rather it should just retain the basic storyline concepts and classes as deemed necessary. As in any fan-fiction, we would severely limit our fun in BZ-Nui if we kept everything happily in sinc with official canon.


2) How does BIONICLESector01 work?


C - It doesn't exist in BZ-Nui, because BS01 is about the official storyline information, it would serve no purpose in BZ-Nui, where the official story doesn't exist.


On the note of wikis, there should be a BZ-Wiki, which explains all the concepts included in the BZ-Nui universe, as well as chronicling the storyline of BZ-Nui as it plays out. That way, we'll end up with our own extensive fan-created universe that anyone can jump into just by reading up on the history of BZ-Nui via BZ-Wiki. In the BZ-Nui universe, BZ-Wiki would be treated as a library like the Archives of Metru-Nui or something.


3) How does BIONICLE.com work?


B - Once again, BIONICLE.com is about the official story, and would have no relevance in BZ-Nui, especially now that it's going to go to Bara Magna, while BZ-Nui will be largely based on a Matoran Universe like structure (I presume :unsure: ). If we do draw things that we like from BIONICLE.com (maybe things like Thornax fruit and gladiator fights, which are quite neat), they can be added to BZ-Wiki.


4) Is there anything else that you can think of that has not been mentioned?


On the matter of BZPers playing in BZ-Nui, how elaborate will the interactions in BZ-Nui be? Will it be only an RPG, or will we seek help from the creatively talented BZPers to make BZ-Nui a large multi-media project with epics, comics, games, videos and sets?

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...restricting Toa to staff would make it unlikely for you to be ever able to become a Toa.

What you say here actually reinforces the idea that members should be Matoran. As you pointed out, most Matoran don't become Toa. But likewise, most members don't become staff. Ergo, it fits.


Also, Toa are the do-gooder heroes who save the world from evil, while the Turaga (and Vahki :P) are the ones that keep order around the universe, which is the staff's job.

Turaga aren't necessarily responsible for keeping order. They're just able to provide their wisdom and leadership they learned as a Toa. That might make them more capable of keeping order, but not every civilization has a Turaga to keep order. Just look at Karda Nui. And after Jovan died, Voya Nui didn't have a Turaga either.


Finally, although BZ-Nui is a BIONICLE fan universe, it shouldn't need to stick to/recreate the storyline events of the official universe, rather it should just retain the basic storyline concepts and classes as deemed necessary. As in any fan-fiction, we would severely limit our fun in BZ-Nui if we kept everything happily in sinc with official canon.

Who said anything about BZ Nui having anything in sync with the official storyline?


It doesn't exist in BZ-Nui, because BS01 is about the official storyline information, it would serve no purpose in BZ-Nui, where the official story doesn't exist.

How can you say BS01 doesn't even exist in BZ Nui when BZPower has a whole forum dedicated to it?


On the note of wikis, there should be a BZ-Wiki, which explains all the concepts included in the BZ-Nui universe, as well as chronicling the storyline of BZ-Nui as it plays out.

Who said anything about a storyline? Just because we're trying to personify BZPower as a Universe doesn't mean we have to start our own Bionicle.


Besides, then we'd have to discuss such "wars" involving hackers and other such banned members of which simple discussion isn't even allowed. :P


On the matter of BZPers playing in BZ-Nui, how elaborate will the interactions in BZ-Nui be? Will it be only an RPG, or will we seek help from the creatively talented BZPers to make BZ-Nui a large multi-media project with epics, comics, games, videos and sets?

Did I miss something where this suddenly all became preliminary concept for a mass-market, multi-media, story like Star Wars?


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:


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I love this sort of stuff, so I'll give my input:


1. I like the basic structure, SPIRIT, as well as most of the details. For Admins, I think that they are so special that each could be a form of Toa-originated Titan (maybe even kind of like Takanuva in 2008). OoMN might fit better in this case. Also, are we still implying that Admins are coming from the same Matoran, Toa, etc. rank and file? I think we ought to since example like black Six and Tufi Piyufi would suggest that a Matoran can rise to such status. I know that it isn't necessary to be strictly agreeable to Bionicle since obviously just by creating the project we diverge, but I would prefer something that is more agreeable if possible.


2. I see BS01 as existing, at any rate. We have a sub-forum for it, after all. Still, as was stated above, it deals with the official storyline. My idea there is that what it considers doesn't necessarily exist but exists in BZ-Nui's world as BZ-Nui would in the Bionicle world (or something like it). Consider it a form of science or religion, maybe. I like either a or b.


3. I'd like to revive Takua's idea:

3) I like it, but how would you explain our constant trips there in search of updates?

Can we not also search for sales updates on Amazon, eBay, and B&N? Should we include these places as well as being navigable? It's easier to accept BS01 because Crystal Matrix made it while a strong member of BZP. Now it has its own forum. It feels sort of like a vassal state or a protectorate to me more than something separate. We could include Bionicle.com, but I feel that if we do that it is an easy step to including a variety of other sites as well. Placing it in a fictitious, quasi-existing stay recognizes its relevance but draws a definite line between what actually exists and what doesn't.


4. Well, yes, but I'd rather see all of this determined first.

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Is this actually going to get officialized? :o

Um... as officialized as my seal of approval is. :P Not sure if we'll get higher level staff participating, it's up to them.


Did I miss something where this suddenly all became preliminary concept for a mass-market, multi-media, story like Star Wars?

That's precisely the idea. You, the members, vote on an acceptable canon as a basis and then volunteer works as you see fit.

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You mean.. I'm just a Toa? :o



That's what it's looking like.


...You have a Suva. :P

That's like 6 times the masks that FMs get. ;)

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Well, I thought the original island names were not Bionicle-sounding.

BTW, my names are completely original. A few others I had thought of: Voprekk-Nui, Kaluvia, and Tahka-Voro.

Then, creative outlet would be BZ-Wahi, and in the center of the map, the heart of BZ-Nui, would be it's own seperate island, and the city called Hapori Metru. BZ-Mahri, under the sea, would contain the blogs. The BZPers would live on the eastern continent.



And how about all of this is inside Hapori Tohu, He IS a Great Spirit.


And look!




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