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Kardiak Arrest Auditions



Bumped again because of apparent lack of interest. So nothing new, then. dry.gif

OK, seriously now, auditions for Kardiak Arrest are opening completely! (almost) _icon_joy_.gif

Part 1 of Kardiak Arrest has been completed, and much to my horror, it is...really, really big. I really had no idea how much work I was giving myself and everyone else. Part 1 alone is longer than Titan Olympics! And that was long! Thankfully, it'll be split up for your viewing pleasure.

ANYWAY, it is huge, but that means, lots of good voice roles. And right now I'm offering a large variety of parts (not all, as not all are featured in part 1). And also, I haven't really got any interest for the Av-Matoran parts so far, so I'm starting afresh.

So, how does the audition process work? Well, below are all the parts up for grabs at this time (in spoiler tags), with a line FROM THE NEW SCRIPT biggrin.gif. You can try out for as many characters as you like, and have as many takes on characters as you like.

Please be aware that some parts are already taken for certain reasons, which may upset those who'd like to play those parts. Also, certain characters require certain voice talent, but only a select few. And female voice artists are dearly needed, as in, more than one. tongue.gif

OK, so, first round auditions will close on the 3rd of January 2009 at 8pm Australian Eastern Standard Time. And don't forget, there are some roles not here that will be offered up at a later date, after the first round of auditions. So, please, PLEASE, take interest and help me out! This is an incredibly over ambitious project, and I promise I will not let it fall flat on its face, but I need YOUR help!


Please send all your auditions VIA EMAIL to phyoohrii@hotmail.com.


Parts that have been taken so far and are confirmed - with who's taken them in brackets

Dume (Axinian), Hydraxon (Aoran), Axonn (Aoran), Artakha (Aoran), Takanuva/Takua (Johnuva), Kopaka Nuva (Kanata), Lewa Nuva (Toa Rapi), Toa Ignika (Phyoohrii), Vican (Phyoohrii), various unknown/uncared for Matoran (Phyoohrii)


Roles pending retaking

Gorast (really hoping who I want for this will agree...not on BZP, I'll tell you)


Roles Up For Grabs


Av-Matoran - with new lines.

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Tanma - No requested voice, but must be able to whistle Always Look on the Bright Side of Life. Sensible character, most sensible in fact.


"Yeah, maybe. I keep telling them not to, but they always say the same thing. 'Ooh! I left my Fuzzy Wuzzy behind.' 'Ooh! I have a dentist appointment!' 'Ooh, I want to get in on this Makuta action!' What is wrong with you people?!"


Gavla - GIRL! Sassy character. May or may not also be tipsy at times.

"Oh shut up. Sometimes you really annoy me."


Solek - Excitable. Like you didn't already know that?

"Whoa. I just felt like…I could never be sad again for a moment."


Photok - Completely up to you.

"I dunno, orange just makes me stand out more. Makes you a hit with the ladies if you stand out."


Radiak - Completely up to you, although may or may not be tipsy at times.

"Photok, ol' buddy ol' pal! I've got the Bomb plans! I mean, BoM plans!"


Kirop - Completely up to you.

"Heed me, Mutran! The Toa Nuva are out to get the leeches! Be alert!"



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Antroz - Nothing required, up to you.


"I hardly think the defeat of a comrade is an appropriate time for an evil laugh."


Mutran - Mad scientist, please!.

"Ah, my silent friend, have a look at this new batch. Don't they just look tremendous! I've never seen such good little evildoers!"


Chirox - It's hard to assign what I want for characters I barely know, is it not?

"Vamps, Ant, you take the Toa, I'll take the Matoran. I could use him to make him have 6 legs and five tails!"


Bitil - Alluring? Nah, whatever. He's cool no matter how he sounds.

"Ah yes…the hilarity never ceases."


Krika - Depressed or bored, a mix of both would be nice.

"Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Another COOL DUDE has entered the swamp. And aren't we all who dare to do so?"


Vamprah - Now, this is important. You may wonder why Vamprah is here. Well, he speaks! But only 3 times. All of which are 30 second monologues. That's right. You have to adlib. Standup comedy esque. It'll be fun! Cockney accent encouraged but not required.

"You know, I never really wanted to be a Makuta. I always thought that..." (continues from there at your own will)


Toa Nuva

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Tahu Nuva - Keep in mind he's an easily annoyed character.


"Pfft! I find THAT hard to believe!"


Onua Nuva - Deep voice. Yes.

"I remember coming to a large cavern with a sandy bottom and nothing else. Not a swamp, waterfall or stalactites. Clearly this is not the same place."


Gali Nuva - Girl! Otherwise, nothing else is required.

"I can't believe I can't find that mask! But it can be anywhere, in the waters, in the trees, asploded…any of those! Gah, where can it be…"


Pohatu Nuva - Whatever you think he's meant to sound like.

"But that's orange! Clearly I'm not orange! And who would want me to be? And that mask, oh per-lease!"


Other Characters

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Matoro - Uh, hello, he's just about to die!


"I'm not so sure about this any more!"


Helryx - Female, and possibly kinda old sounding.

"Of course he's all right. And of course I'm not going to do anything! This is highly entertaining." [laughs]


Krakua - Dunno. You show me.

"You really scare me."


Roles that are not up for grabs at this time but will/may be up for grabs later on, depending on how the rest of the scripts turn out

Icarax, Brutaka (MX unable to reprise his role), Teridax, Mata Nui, Kopeke, Vultraz, Mazeka, some other characters from the serials.


I think I covered everything and everyone, alert me if not so. AND DON'T FORGET, GET OTHER PEOPLE TO CHECK THIS OUT, THE MORE THE MERRIER! biggrin.gif


The Thirteenth Magazine I got features the LEGO themes Harry Potter, Soccer and Jack Stone. It is December 2001.

Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

N.B. Apparently the proper procedure to steal a step from a series of instructions is to turn the step number backwards. I see...


Recommended Comments

After a crowded weekend, I ought to have time to get some auditions recorded today or tomorrow. I'm thinking that I'll try out for a good number of them. (Except the girls. :P )


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Bunda, I suggest auditioning for someone who hasn't been mentioned to be auditioned for or auditioned for yet, like, oh I dunno, Krakua, Solek, Radiak or Antroz. Simply so I can get some bases covered. :P



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I loved Titan Olympics, although I was too lazy to actually post in it. I think I'll try out for Photok, Chirox, and Krakua. I'll record the voices and send the email either tonight or tomorrow.

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Awww, the awesomeness emanating from this project is really making me want to go buy a microphone and audition... If I manage to get a microphone, I promise to audition for a few roles.
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If you think it will work. Of course, I'll be doing similar edits myself at times, so yeah, totally legit if you do so.



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