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Queen of Noise


Just an open statement in answer to questions, comments, and general chatter about the place.

  • Yes, it's true! I and the lovely lady who goes by the username 'Nikira' here are very much in love. We are in a relationship; we're 'dating' or 'courting' or whatever the proper word to use is. She is my girlfriend; I am her boyfriend.
  • No, this is not a joke or charade.
  • No, we did not know each other prior to being BZPower members; we initially encountered each other through this community. It's really amusing and magical to consider how something so simple and peculiar as an internet forum would set about the chain of events that bring to you meeting someone you come to love!
  • No, BZPower is not our only contact! This isn't an 'internet romance,' hahah.
  • This isn't some 'fan' thing or whatever. Yes, I enjoy 'Nikira's' artwork of course, but it's not at all the reason I feel for her the way I do--I love her, not what she does or creates. Honestly I can't even explain why I feel this way--a manner I've never felt for another. It is entirely and wonderfully unexplainable. Those of you who are in love know what I mean; the rest of you will someday, I have no doubt. ^^
  • No, we are not going to answer personal questions about ourselves. We've decided not to keep our relationship a secret from BZ--since, among other reasons, the questions would likely spring up anyway, and continuing to deny it would be silly and annoying anyway--but please respect our privacy. And if you make my girlfriend uncomfortable in any way, you will have to personally answer to me. D:<
  • Do not even think about making any off-colour jokes about us. If you cannot be mature, please leave us alone.
I trust you guys can be mature about our relationship. We are just two normal people, two responsible adults in love. Furthermore, we're still the 'Niki' and 'Smeag' y'all have known all these years--we're still the same people! We just happen to love each other. :D


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I never know when you "staff" are being serious or not. After all, you're all very straightforward when it comes to staff-wide pranks or fads.


But in other words: Congratulations. :)



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Anyone caught harassing my l'il brother and his better half gets a knuckle sammich, courtesy of me.

And then I'll love you. Toughly.

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Congrats you two! How sweet! :3 I hope for years of happiness for ya's! :D


Relationships can be tough at times, so even if times happen to get tough, tough it out, and you will then know that you really do have something special. I hope the best for you two sweethearts.


You guys are kyoot!!!! :P




I hope I have news like this to report within the next month..... My Mr. Prospect might be coming back to Alaska sooner than he/I thought...... *crosses fingers*

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He used an emoticon in his blog; this is serious.


As long as you don't end up showing her some BIONICLE vignette and proclaiming it the best MOC ever but really containing the words "will you marry me?"* Although, it would probably make for an interesting conversation as to how you met.


I thought we had something. :(
I'm sure Smeag only thinks of you as a brother. :P


*I totally modified this from an Halo proposal that someone did.


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM

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Niki and Smeagol sittin' in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-*User is sacked for this post by his much more rational and mature half.*


Congrats! *Goes to art.*

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I know this is a little late, but, Congrats!!!


My girlfriend and I met while I was surfing BZP at school. She's not a member of the site, but she had visited before, and it just snapped together from there.



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Okay, dunno how I missed this, but I kinda guessed it after I saw your video review of Tuma and heard that you were not brother and sister. Congratulations - you two are probably the first two bzp mods that have actually fallen in love. And that makes it all the more special. :)


I never know when you "staff" are being serious or not. After all, you're all very straightforward when it comes to staff-wide pranks or fads.


Same here. I'll be the first to admit that I actually thought for a split second that Turaki was really married.


... Um, anyone else going to raise their hand as well? :unsure: .... No one? Ah snickerdoodles, now I've made a fool of myself. :(



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