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Helping Bzp And Becoming Staff

Spoony Bard


BZPower is one of the few fansites that has a membership with everyone respecting one another. Members would go all the way to helping other members, the staff, and even the site itself. In a way, everyone is family.


Now you must be thinking, "Wow Omi, is that how you feel about BZP?". No. It was what I felt a few years ago. BZP was like that, with selfless members just helping everyone out, most of them you see as staff already. Now it has degraded into various cliques that just compete in a popularity contest to become staff. I some times wonder if members are just trying to be on staff just to be staff, cuz staff are higher in rank and "cool". Some members are even at the point of predicting and betting that they, or their friends, will become staff.


Becoming staff is not a popularity contest at all. It is a responsibility that is given to you because the admins feel that your dedication to BZP is worth having on the team. And the popular folk certainly are not promoted to staff. If they were, I would know who they are when I see the promotion topics (meaning I still don't even know half of the staff).


And then there is the select group of people who think they are the iconic member, and that they present themselves on the same level as staff, saying they already do what the staff do even though they are a regular member. These members qualify themselves as mediators in topics, and pretty much do what the staff should be doing. Yanno what this is called? Backseat moderating. While helping staff out is appreciated, and notifying members of what they did wrong is okay, there just so happens to be a fine line to where your authority, if any, falls on. These members need to know their place on BZP and let the staff do their job.


Recently I recieved a PM from a member asking "Do you think that a member such as myself would be able to work as a responsible, and expectation filling Forum Assistant?" My answer? Well with full knowledge of the member's reputation and all the work they put into the site so far, I said that the member in the the correct path. Why? Because the member is not placing bets on their reputation nor are they backseat moderators.


Usually when help is needed, and is noticed by members, they jump for the ball and be like "who is gonna be next?", and at times, a former staff member will be re-promoted to fill the gap instead of some new guy. This has happened on a few occasions in the past. The Admins are more inclined to re-promote former staff members because they already know that these persons have the strong work ethic necessary for a staff position here. Promoting someone to staff isn't about giving some lucky fellow a shiny new title and powers, it's about filling a need for help keeping the forum safe and clean


I also noticed that people are not recognizing the people who have put their dedication into this site, and instead focus it on people who have not yet reached their peak. Instead of recongizing such hard workers like Ninjo, Shizo, Than, Kex, Screenguy, and even Smeag; people who have put lots of hard work into BZP before they were staff. And for what? So that some new guy can take credit for all of it?


Anyways, here is some advice for those who aim to become staff. Take it from me, someone who has 4 years experiance and knows what the admins look for.


1. Be selfless. When helping others, don't even think about the rewards.

2. Keep in mind where your place is. If you are a member, then you are a member. Nothing more, nothing less.

3. Being staff doesn't make you popular nor is it all about fun and games. It is a serious position. The people on the staff here, especially those at the higher levels, do a tremendous amount of work on a daily basis. And just because your buddy is staff and you are not doesn't give you special exceptions to the rules.

4. Don't make bets or predictions on when you become staff. That is just telling the admins not to promote you.




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I second everything said, and it's nicely worded. A lot of people do wish to be staff because they believe that it will gain them more popularity among the community, or for just the shiny title and some of the perks (larger Avatar). I agree that one has to be selfless when helping others, and display maturity and kindness without being harsh, for instance someone saying "Look here before you screw up again." would be considered a harsh thing to say - at least, by my standards. I'd much rather take the time to word something like that into a paragraph if I have to, explaining the stuff out more. Of course, if it would be something that a member would be allowed to explain. (Like, a member generally can't explain things that would be more known by staff, or such)


It's a great feeling to be nice, and get your point across with a "Thanks" to your help. Rather than act harsh, and too blunt and end up with an angry reply back - which happens with newer members from time to time. I know that when I was newer to the site, that I took more offense to things at times, because emotion is too hard to interpet over the internet.


This is a very well worded "essay" of a sort, I'll go dig up something that this entry deserves.





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Instead of recognizing such hard workers like Ninjo, Shizo, Than, Kex, Screenguy, and even Smeag; people who have put lots of hard work into BZP before they were staff.

And hey--you know you belong on that list too, Shilo. :)

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Thanks for the advice, Omi. :)


Even though I never expect to become staff (Although I'd certainly be willing :P), it's useful to know what kind of behavior is expected for a potential new staffie. I believe that this behavior should be followed, staff or no, by everyone. :)


-Nuju Metru

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Heh, sorry, thought that was a little bit of an amusing typo. :P


Anyway, I have to agree here, though that might be my seniority growing on me. :P In the five years I've been here, I've seen these and many other changes take place. I have noticed the popularity contest with being staff, and I must say I don't have a desire to become a staff member just to be popular, or just be one at all, simply because I do not have the time to devote to that kind of responsibility, what with college and other difficulties.


Well said, Omi; I'm glad someone managed to get this out there.

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Speaking as a high-ranking Scout from my district who has succeeded at being a leader and an accomplished officer, and coming from my years of watching and observing other Scouts rise and fall, I can fully agree with this. BSA offices may not be the same as a BZP position, but they have enough similarities in the way of traits and needs to be compared slightly (at least, offices in my troop).


You don't put blag approvals up here, but I guess it'd be time to return the favor:





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One more point--I think it needs to be stressed that constantly playing oneself up, publicly trying to fluff one's own status in a not-so-subtle attempt to say "Admins, look at me! I'm so responsible and exhibit so many leadership qualities! Promote me!" is absolutely ridiculous and downright smug, even. People like that tend to be the ones who very obviously aren't helping out as an act of charity and selfless good-will towards others--rather, they are "helping" only for personal gain.


And that, my friends, is guaranteed to take one off the Administration's list of potential staff candidates. Anyone who goes about posting about how much he helps and how great he is and what a good staffer he'd be will almost certainly never be staff.

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I can't think of anything else to do but applaud you. It is good to know that there are people are who do want to help, and you are right. There are, unfortunately, people who want to be on staff because of the title that comes with the promotion.


You have certainly put a bright light on what becoming a staff member should mean and what being a good member should really be about.


You have gained much of my respect.

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Shilo provides some very good insight. Just be yourself, we are watching, and when the time comes to promote staff, if you've made a good impression on the site we'll be looking at you. Sending me applications or asking me if you're staff material tell me that you're likely doing things for the wrong reasons. It's actually a nice thing to see when I promote people and other members are like, 'Who?' because it means they weren't trying to be popular and were just helping out.

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I like this entry.


3. Being staff doesn't make you popular nor is it all about fun and games. It is a serious position. The people on the staff here, especially those at the higher levels, do a tremendous amount of work on a daily basis. And just because your buddy is staff and you are not doesn't give you special exceptions to the rules.


I like that point at the bottom. A lot of the staff aren't popular nor are they noticed. I know this from experience. Only S&T nerds really know or care about RKs and we dont do much stuff in the forum so people dont notice what we do unless it's some big project. Then again some staff members dont think RKs exist either so :P

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I like this entry.


3. Being staff doesn't make you popular nor is it all about fun and games. It is a serious position. The people on the staff here, especially those at the higher levels, do a tremendous amount of work on a daily basis. And just because your buddy is staff and you are not doesn't give you special exceptions to the rules.


I like that point at the bottom. A lot of the staff aren't popular nor are they noticed. I know this from experience. Only S&T nerds really know or care about RKs and we dont do much stuff in the forum so people dont notice what we do unless it's some big project. Then again some staff members dont think RKs exist either so :P

... ...wait...what's an "RK"?

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I like this entry.


3. Being staff doesn't make you popular nor is it all about fun and games. It is a serious position. The people on the staff here, especially those at the higher levels, do a tremendous amount of work on a daily basis. And just because your buddy is staff and you are not doesn't give you special exceptions to the rules.


I like that point at the bottom. A lot of the staff aren't popular nor are they noticed. I know this from experience. Only S&T nerds really know or care about RKs and we dont do much stuff in the forum so people dont notice what we do unless it's some big project. Then again some staff members dont think RKs exist either so :P

... ...wait...what's an "RK"?

Just another kind of minion, Smeag.



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To draw an example from popular literature:


"Welcome, Prince," said Aslan. "Do you feel yourself sufficient to take Kingship of Narnia?"

"I -- I don't think I do, Sir," said Caspian. "I'm only a kid."

"Good," said Aslan. "If you had felt yourself sufficient, it would have been proof that you were not."

Besides, being staff is hard work. Enjoy your freedom. :P

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I like this entry.


3. Being staff doesn't make you popular nor is it all about fun and games. It is a serious position. The people on the staff here, especially those at the higher levels, do a tremendous amount of work on a daily basis. And just because your buddy is staff and you are not doesn't give you special exceptions to the rules.


I like that point at the bottom. A lot of the staff aren't popular nor are they noticed. I know this from experience. Only S&T nerds really know or care about RKs and we dont do much stuff in the forum so people dont notice what we do unless it's some big project. Then again some staff members dont think RKs exist either so :P

... ...wait...what's an "RK"?

Right under his av, Smeag -- "Reference Keeper." :P

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I like this entry.


3. Being staff doesn't make you popular nor is it all about fun and games. It is a serious position. The people on the staff here, especially those at the higher levels, do a tremendous amount of work on a daily basis. And just because your buddy is staff and you are not doesn't give you special exceptions to the rules.


I like that point at the bottom. A lot of the staff aren't popular nor are they noticed. I know this from experience. Only S&T nerds really know or care about RKs and we dont do much stuff in the forum so people dont notice what we do unless it's some big project. Then again some staff members dont think RKs exist either so :P

... ...wait...what's an "RK"?

Right under his av, Smeag -- "Reference Keeper." :P

But what does it do? That's the question.

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Eh, I gave up on the hope of being a staffie years ago... and again after having met Omi in person. :P


Naw, I've seen the hard work much of the staff has put in, and I respect them for it. :)


And I don't want to be the one who has to close topics all day.



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Tons of work and responsibility? *Points and laughs at all staff members* :P



I like this entry.


3. Being staff doesn't make you popular nor is it all about fun and games. It is a serious position. The people on the staff here, especially those at the higher levels, do a tremendous amount of work on a daily basis. And just because your buddy is staff and you are not doesn't give you special exceptions to the rules.


I like that point at the bottom. A lot of the staff aren't popular nor are they noticed. I know this from experience. Only S&T nerds really know or care about RKs and we dont do much stuff in the forum so people dont notice what we do unless it's some big project. Then again some staff members dont think RKs exist either so :P

... ...wait...what's an "RK"?

Right under his av, Smeag -- "Reference Keeper." :P

But what does it do? That's the question.

Secret CIA Projects involving world domination, from what I know. :)

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I second everything said, and it's nicely worded. A lot of people do wish to be staff because they believe that it will gain them more popularity among the community, or for just the shiny title and some of the perks (larger Avatar).

That is really true. But then again, some staff, specially us Forum Mentors, neither get a larger avatar nor a mask next to their names. But I don´t mind. I am happy with my job, and although it is sometimes hard for me to manage it with school I do what I can. Anyway, I get rewarded with that nice feeling I get after helping somebody. :rolleyes:


I agree with all things you say here, Omi.


~Gata. :xmas:

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I can't stress enough how much I enjoy helping people out here. It always gives me a sense of niceness, and knowledge -- it's one of the greatest feelings. Whenever I help somebody, I may be vague about it, but I know it's always coming from the heart.


I'll try not to be modest now. :P


But you need to be able to find some way to just stand out a bit, don't always go with the flow -- make your own decisions sometimes. The quote in my signature applies greatly here:


"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."


- Herbert Bayard Swope


Meaning that you need to make a choice whether to bandwagon with everybody else, or make your own path. Eventually people will start following it and you will have started a whole new way to do something. These are traits I've seen in several staff members.


Now, I'm not trying to speak as a staff member, but what I'm saying here is based on observation, and prior knowledge. 55555 (who was offered a job as Forum Mentor) once told me, "You should just go with the flow and do whatever you want, while following the rules, of course." I find this very true. The staff won't notice you if you're just going with everybody else and not trying new things, whether for the better of BZP or for the better of the member community.


And with that, I add:





Well, that's my two cents on this. :) great entry, Omi. This is a real help.



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You have a good point there, Omi. If I was asked to be Staff, and I accepted, it would be to help out with the forum, not for popularity. It's good to be helpful, it makes you feel like a great person.


By the way, I was just wondering. If you know me well on this forum, do you think I'd make a good staff? I couldn't really become a staff member, because I'm not that good with computers and all that (so no, this isn't a request), but apart from that, I was just wondering if I would make a good staff member.


:xmas: Vohkan :xmas:

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Well thought out. I didn't agree with all of it, and you know me; I'm somewhat obligated to disagree with you Omi. :P I can't think of much that won't make me seem like a complete *insert a word I don't understand being filtered here* though, so I'll just keep shut for now.

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Thanks Omi. Thanks so much for making this entry.


Seriously, sometimes I'll think to myself, what if I earn all my proto, and then Black Six asks me to become a Forum Assistant in my favorite forum, GD? What would I say?


Well, when just thinking the thought 'I was offered a staff job!' of course I'd say yes. But, then I think about it a while. Would I be a good forum Assistant with the tight schedule I have? Would I be able to spend that much time on BZP? And then I kind of think 'Well, maybe I should think about it a while.'


Honestly, if Black Six asked me today to become staff, I wouldn't automatically say yes, even though it is something I've dreamed of for a long time. I'd say that I have to think about it. Then, I might still say no. Hopefully, if I am ever offered a job, I will be able to accept it. At this time in my life right now, I'm really not sure.


I agree completely with ~Shadow Kurahk~, especially on the part about helping people because it makes me feel happy.


But, here is something your blog definitely deserves:




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