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As we start another new year of BIONICLE, I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to BZPers for their support of the line, their creativity, and their friendship over the last several years. You are a truly special bunch of fans and you should know that.


I have met people on this board that I consider friends; others that I don't know as well, but who strike me as intellectually very sharp and fascinating conversationalists; and a few I wouldn't even want to be in an elevator with :) But I doubt very many other writers get the opportunity I have to talk with readers like this. It is truly an honor and a privilege to know all of you.




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Thanks so much for the kind words, Greg. Truth be told, the chance to interact with you personally is probably the only reason I'm an actual member of BZP and not just a lurker.

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thanks alot. really.


but we have just as much, if not more, to be thanking you for. i mean, how many fans get such an awesome chance to interact and chat with the author?

really, thank you Greg, honestly.



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It is quite an honor for me to be allowed to ask questions of a story, rather than only fancy the thought. I think it is BZP that should be thanking YOU for putting up with an avalanche of questions every day :) and sometimes a little negativity. It is not often that good writers even acknowledge their fans, let alone answer questions on a daily basis. We thank you, greg, and wish you and yours a wonderful 2009.



So far, 2009 is looking to be the best Bionicle chapter since the beginning. Keep it up and it might even top '01. :)

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I'll do everything in my power to keep us from getting stuck in an elevator with each other. :P


I'm glad to be a part of the Bionicle fanbase, but I wouldn't be without your role in the story making, so thank you too, Mr. Farshtey. :)



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I think the fascination is mutual Greg - we are fascinated of you as a writer, too, and appreciate the effort you put into creating a story that is pretty unique on this planet.



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Zed, Can I have cake? ^_^

Your the one who should be getting thanked so thank you for making bionicle one of my best hobbys, its the story that keeps me intrested in the sets, being on bzpower and answering all our questions

which reminds me you havent answered a few of mine <_< nah im just joking :)

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I'm one of those people he doesn't want to be in an elevator with. :P


Thanks for being around, Greg. It's your choice, and it's great to see someone so dedicated to his loyal fans. :D

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Well, if you were one of us, you'd know how we feel, asking that very first question, and being answered by the writer of most of our books in our shelves.

All of us at heart, are honored that you are here with us, and with all the stress of the questions, you are still satisfied with our presence. And the same goes with us to you.

For, as we all know it, child or adult, nobody does get to talk to the author of our books.

Heck, without you, Bionicle is as it's worst, just like Throwbots.

So once again, thank you.
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You're welcome.


and Thank you for those kind words...and just for being on this site in the first place, and for writing BIONICLE in general!


What we mean is, Thanks!

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Well, if you were one of us, you'd know how we feel, asking that very first question, and being answered by the writer of most of our books in our shelves.


All of us at heart, are honored that you are here with us, and with all the stress of the questions, you are still satisfied with our presence. And the same goes with us to you.


For, as we all know it, child or adult, nobody does get to talk to the author of our books.


Heck, without you, Bionicle is as it's worst, just like Throwbots.


So once again, thank you.

Ditto. That was deep :P

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And a thank you to you Greg for all your years of commitment on this site. In your time here you have cleared up many unclear plot-holes, given the fans insight that has given them an expanded view on a story they love, and so much more to enrich this community of ours. Not many authors would have the charisma to talk to fans on a daily basis.



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