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The Tuesday Five 10/3/06



Bet you didn't expect me to keep it up for a full week, didja? =DAre you bilingual?As a new Bionicle fan, did you ever think Gali was male?What type of computer are you on right now?What was your favorite Bionicle story year?Are you a premier member?Enjoy, and answer to the best of your ability! ^.^


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1. I speak both English and Morpulian, a lanuage that consists of entierly of the words 'Floo', 'Pips' and 'O Noes!'

2. I thought none of them had gender at the start. I thought they were all genderless robots.

3. One that works, I guess.

4. 200Γ

5. No.

6. I have no idea. Ask the pizza guy.


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1) Working on it (I'm decently fluent in Spanish, but I've still got a good year before I master it).

2) Nope


4) Either 2004 or 2006

5) Not sure, hold on.......yeah, I'm a Premier Member XD .


- :t::l::h:

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Are you bilingual?

01011001 01100101 01110000 00101110

As a new Bionicle fan, did you ever think Gali was male?

I knew someone who did. :P

What type of computer are you on right now?


What was your favorite Bionicle story year?


Are you a premier member?



~ :kakamanu: ~

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1. No. Why?

2. Sadly, yes.

3. A Dell.

4. Believe it or not, but I like 2004 the best.

5. Nope, I don't have the money.


What was the point of this anyway?





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* Are you bilingual?

* As a new Bionicle fan, did you ever think Gali was male?

* What type of computer are you on right now?

* What was your favorite Bionicle story year?

* Are you a premier member?




Windows XP OS/Dell-made PC.



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1. No... unless you count blabbing random nonexistent words at unexpected times in the day.

2. No, does Gali sound like a guy name to you?

3. It's an hp pavilion f1703... but it's not like I memorized it or anything, I read it off the monitor.

4. Too... hard... to... choose! Losing... my... mind!

5. No, but I will be soon, after I convince my mom to pay for it! In that case, it might be a while.



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Are you bilingual? Yes I am. I can speak American, Australian, English, New Zealand, Basic, Italian, Japanese, and Matoran.

As a new Bionicle fan, did you ever think Gali was male? Yes, I did.

What type of computer are you on right now? I'm not a on a computer. I'm on a chair.

What was your favorite Bionicle story year? Ummm, 2003

Are you a premier member? Nope. I'm a special member :)

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* Are you bilingual?

* As a new Bionicle fan, did you ever think Gali was male?

* What type of computer are you on right now?

* What was your favorite Bionicle story year?

* Are you a premier member?


1. Yes. And soon to be trilingual

2. Nope! :D

3. A Gateway

4. 2001, 2002, 2006

5. Yes. What do you think



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I'll be serious on this one. :o


Are you bilingual? Ya.

As a new Bionicle fan, did you ever think Gali was male? Na.

What type of computer are you on right now? PC. I have a Mac too though.

What was your favorite Bionicle story year? 2001. I think.

Are you a premier member? No. :( :( :( :( :(

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Are you bilingual?

Sort of

As a new Bionicle fan, did you ever think Gali was male?


What type of computer are you on right now?

Good one

What was your favorite Bionicle story year?


Are you a premier member?


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Are you bilingual? Well, I speak a little Spanish. Yo tengo un gato in mis pantalones. =O

As a new Bionicle fan, did you ever think Gali was male? Mebbe...okay, yeah, I did. But only until I got the promo CD out of the Gali canister and found out OMG SHE'S FEMALE

What type of computer are you on right now? A Windows XP that's about a year old. I need a new one to seriously handle LSWII. And Bionicle Heroes. And Halo Wars. And Battlefield 2142. And...

What was your favorite Bionicle story year? 2018. :P Seriously, though, 2006. Vewy vewy kewl stuff.

Are you a premier member? I was for a week in July, but that doesn't count. =(


These are fun! ^_^



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1. Unilingual (English) with a bit of French, a tad of Spanish, and some expressed interest in Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Maori, Esperanto, and IPA. As for created languages, I'm in the works of the Leohin language, and my friends and I have developed several Ippish dialects of the English language. Plus there's always the Over-There dialect that helps define my identity.
2. No.
3. I dunno. It's mine. But I dunno. Summat to do with Deli.
4. 2001.
5. Now there's a question I wish I could give a straight answer!

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Are you bilingual?


... A bit?


As a new Bionicle fan, did you ever think Gali was male?


... A bit?


What type of computer are you on right now?


... A computer that works.


What was your favorite Bionicle story year?


... 2003... A bit.


Are you a premier member?


... *cricket*

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Are you bilingual?

Possibly. I know how to say "Muffin" in German. And that single word is so important that it should count as being bilingual.

Besides that, though, some Spanish and German. And Pig Latin... lawlz...


As a new Bionicle fan, did you ever think Gali was male?

No. But I knew someone who had that set, so I was on a trampoline with him and told him Gali was a girl. He was so confused... I was, like, 8 at the time...


What type of computer are you on right now?

Umm... a computer with a silver monitor...


What was your favorite Bionicle story year?

Any one that didn't involve the past, pointless Turaga stories, series of sets that were pretty much or totally dupes, or were plain lame. So '01, half of '03, and... '06 I guess. I don;'t know what'll happen in the end, though...


Are you a premier member?

What does it look like?

I used to be one, though... for a week! It was, like, MAGIC! I felt so individual and important!


Yeah. How come none of your questions are ever... llama-asscociated? Or is that only for math?



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Are you bilingual? Yes, I know English and Matoran. I also will soon be fluent in Spanish

As a new Bionicle fan, did you ever think Gali was male? yes

What type of computer are you on right now? HP pavilion, or did you just want PC?

What was your favorite Bionicle story year? 2006, this year

Are you a premier member? Not yet, but will be soon, hopefully



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1.I speak English and I speak Strong bad.

2.Heck no,defenatly a girl to me.



5.Not yet,but I am saving up for it.

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Are you bilingual? Kinda (I speak a little Spanish)

As a new Bionicle fan, did you ever think Gali was male? Nope (I don't think...)

What type of computer are you on right now? A kinda crummy HP

What was your favorite Bionicle story year? 2006

Are you a premier member? Nope


K-izzle in da' blog-izzle!


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