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Muh Friends. ( Yes Dlakii You Too)



Forward by Gavla: g.png Hey everyone. I have ALOT of friends. best friends too. And this is a list about them. (To be updated later with more! That means you Sharn)


First is Chane: chane.png Chane is a good friend of mine. We met..Uhh I forget o.o But after that she came to me for comic help. And I took he under my arm as my comic student and taught her all about comics and kits. Now she's a pop star in comics.


Next is Dot.Dude. MY BEST BUDDEH. ALONG WITH SHARN AND KHOLS. d.png Dot was my very first PGS in comics and fan. I am very happy to know him and he is just the best to talk to. Plus he PGS with one little request. To love Cahli/Shila XD


Next is Khols: khols.png My very first friend next to Hukster. He has helped so much since my first comic and I know will always be there till the end. (Which wont be for a LONG TIME) He understands me and he shows care for my feelings. (unlike SOME people I know)


Next is Merc. merc.png Merc is well to me a friend. Although I'm still scared to talk to him :fear: he is one of the most awesome and epic comic makers I've ever seen. And he is just downright awesome. Also Merc is FAR better and allways will be better at comics then me. He truely is the one who deserves all the fame and fans of mine and Darks. READ HIS COMICS OR I WILL EAT YOUR MASKS.


Next is Lewajohnson: lj.png LJ is one of my best friends is a COMPLET MANGOSTEEN ADICT :P He loves that stuff so much it's silly XD


Next is Taka Nuvia. taka.png She too became a student of mine. Taka is an awesome drawer, an awesome comic maker and just pure friend. She shows so much care about things and is so nice thats she is (dare I say) a sweetheart.


Next is Action rex. (I think thats his name) ac.png AC is..Well..crazy in a good way. And he is just plain awesome to talk to.


Next is Dlakii :P dlakii.png Even though Dlakii is an enemy of chimoru he is still cool. Plus the mudkip thing with him is funny. Dlakii has..well this special thing about him that makes him funny. HE'S A TURAGA. As my one friend says: an old fart :P (J/K) but really Dlakii is pretty awesome.


Next is Jahli! j.png Jahli is a great friend and is just simply awesome cause his sprites colors match mine. (RED AND BLUE FOR THE WIN BABY)


Next is Blade titan! bladetitan.png Blade is as I say: One crazy muffin eating dude. But his comics rock. And it is very lucky of me to be his friend.


Next: gat.png Gat. Or whatever his whole name is. Gat is silly and funny and his comics show his true funniness. (I FALL IN THE SKY!! :D )


Next is Qwerty! AKA VENOM! qwerty.png Qwert is one silly Slick. His comics are awesome, his chat site is awesome HE IS AWESOME.


NR IS NEXT! nr.png (ladies cheer) NR is one of the best friends I could of ever asked for. he helps so much with my comics he is LIKE ME. Just not as handsome :P


Ontez is next! onty.png Onty here is a great friend and really sticks up for you when your down. And his cat is a cat with a name of a cookie. JUST SUPER AWESOME THAT CAT.


Tapika is next! tap.png Tapika is a great friend..alittle crazy though. But he is cool. I wish he would join me in comics one day. I really see him having roles in my future comics.


Dark709 is next :D dark709.png Dark is..well to me a great friend to have. (Even if he never talks to me alot) Me and him have had some pretty long talks about things. Comics, life and cheese. All awesome. Cause he is awesome. (And he called me "a friend" once :o :D )


I'm such a noob sometimes :lol:


Lastly (not really.more to come soon!) Rogwiz! (known as Dood now) rog.png Rog is a great comic maker and is super funny. I am glad to call him friend.


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Wow......YOU'RE FRIENDS WITH DARK709? Sweet. Anyways, to the point. You have a cool, long list of friends Gavla, and I'm glad to be in it.


Also, it's ACTONIC REX, not Action Rex, XD.

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Aww. Thanks Gavla ^_^ .

Your perhaps on of my first Best friends-cuz well I'm not very sure either XD

But you are kind and a great comic Author as well. Thank you for all your help, and getting me on my way in the comic bizz ;)

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You forgot "Is completely unknown" :P


Anyways,that's kewl,I like da list.


And i didn't you that you could say "sticks up for you" about me.


Weird huh?



- :m_o: :n: :t: :t: :e: :z:

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So, now I have time on my hands. ^_^


Just to let you know: you're a very special friend to me ( and not only because you're a year and 351 days older ^^)... and I'll never forget that it all happened just because of the location in your profile. :lol:

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Why am I still not up there?


You hate me now don't you, Gavla? YOU SAID THAT I WUS YOUR BEST BUDDY! :crying:







That and I lost your sheet.

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